Which Factors Are Effective in Rhinoplasty Prices?

Post Date: 2/26/2021

Which Factors Are Effective in Rhinoplasty Prices?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most performed procedures in plastic surgery today.  Long, big or aquiline noses may make you feel unhappy when you look in the mirror, or else you might need rhinoplasty due to breathing problems caused by the structure of the nose. A rhinoplasty performed by a specialist physician will solve your problems radically.

There might be many things effective in rhinoplasty prices which is a surgery that will boost your self-confidence and increase the quality of your social life. Therefore a fixed-price cannot be mentioned. The ideal nose shape will vary for each patient as they all have different face types and expectations. Some patients want smaller and thinner noses, some want their nose tip to be lifted but they all go for a natural result that is compatible with the rest of their face. Thus, rhinoplasty requires a personalized evaluation and application. Since the difficulty of the operation will vary from patient to patient it is not possible to talk about a fixed-price, even for the same doctor.

Do Your Researches Before the Surgery

Patients should do a good research before the surgery. The most important criterion should be the experience and success of the doctor who will perform the surgery, rather than how much it costs. There are many determining factors such as the doctor’s revision statistics, patient satisfaction, the technology and equipment to be used, the hospital where the surgery will be carried out and the doctor’s team. It should not be forgotten that your goal is to achieve your dream nose with a single operation and avoid postoperative complications. Therefore, it will be best for you to consult the best surgeons in the field and taking all these criteria into account while doing price research.

Choose Your Doctor Based on His Success, Not on His Price

Keep in mind that you will be in contact with your doctor for a long time before and after the surgery and that you will have to see him occasionally for routine check-ups. It is important to trust your doctor and express your expectations from rhinoplasty. He will make an evaluation according to your medical history, nose structure, and expectations and then offer you a price.

You must know that there will be irreversible changes in your nose after rhinoplasty. Operations with very low fees aren’t reliable considering the hygiene conditions and types of equipments used. Don’t forget that your nose is the most striking and characteristic part of your face. Any result that makes you unhappy will cost even more to re-operate.

In conclusion, patients should know that rhinoplasty is a long process and should not ignore the importance of the postoperative period. The priority should be to find the right doctor, not to cost this operation at the lowest price, considering all of these. If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı