Do Not Overlook Sinus Infections

Post Date: 5/28/2020

The sinuses are composed of four air-filled spaces in the head. These cavities made up of bone and tissue function as pads that protect your brain and face. The air sinuses warm up and humidify the air that is inhaled through the nose, and also allow for voice resonance. Sinusitis results from the inflammation of the sinus membranes. Inflammation in these small cavities that are connected to the nose can cause the accumulation of mucus and the production of bacteria in the sinuses. Sinusitis symptoms include headaches and facial pain, feeling pressure in the sinuses when bending over, dark nasal mucus, and nasal congestion.

The sinuses are filled with mucous membranes that aim to filter the particles from the air inhaled through the nose. The mucus descends to the stomach or is excreted through the nose. If the drainage of the mucus is obstructed, mucus cannot be drained and causes inflammation in the sinuses. Congestion in these drains can result from smoking, upper respiratory tract infections, and allergies. Sinus cavities provide an excellent environment for the proliferation of bacteria. Bacteria cause the mucus to thicken, making it difficult to eject.

The major causes of chronic sinusitis are:

  • Allergic Rhinitis: Sinuses become susceptible to infection due to allergies.

  • Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: During URTIs, the infection can affect the sinus membranes, therefore thickening them and cause mucus accumulation.

  • Polyps: Abnormal tissue proliferation in nasal airways and sinuses can cause congestion.

  • Deviated Septum: The cartilage structure in the middle of the nose can be off-center, clogging sinus passages and causing bacterial accumulation in the sinuses.

  • Various diseases that weaken the immune system, such as HIV, also cause nasal congestion and block sinus passages.

It is observed that people with allergies are more prone to sinusitis. People with asthma and nasal polyps are also more prone to sinus infections. Sinusitis is the medical name of sinus infections caused by bacteria and is generally not dangerous but negatively affects the quality of life. Other than bacteria, sinus infections can also be caused by fungi and viruses. Acute sinusitis lasts approximately a month, chronic sinusitis lasts longer than three months with persisting symptoms. It is crucial to treat chronic sinusitis since it can cause severe problems, however rarely. Sinus infections can sometimes spread to the eyes and the brain.

Sinusitis can also cause complications around the eyes. The sinuses are located under and between your eyes. The swelling around the eyes can have serious consequences that can lead to decreased vision and sometimes blindness. The infection can cause pressure and pain on the cheeks, forehead, and over your upper teeth. If your frontal sinuses are infected, you may experience pressure and headaches around your forehead. Sometimes, sinus infections can spread to the brain, leading to conditions such as meningitis and brain abscess.

Sinusitis clogs the drainage of sinuses and causes mucus to accumulate in the sinuses and the nose. It can frequently cause a runny nose. This nasal flow is dark and thick. The post-nasal drip that results from sinusitis can cause cough, sore throat, a sour taste in the mouth, loss of smell, and hoarseness in your voice. The infected mucus that causes post-nasal drip can even cause bad breath.

If there isn't another underlying cause, sinusitis can be treated with antibiotics. But sinus surgery is a good option for people with long-term chronic sinusitis. It is possible to determine whether sinus surgery is necessary with computed tomography. The operation can help widen the sinus openings by clearing congestions. The sinuses are adequately ventilated and any nasal polyps are removed. Nose functions are restored. Your sense of smell may improve.

The sinus surgery will result in a noticeable improvement in the patient's quality of life. The operation will also treat other symptoms of sinusitis such as nasal congestion and post-nasal drip. You will have better sleep, an improved work life, and your chronic feeling of fatigue will dissipate. If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı