In Which Cases Is Rhinoplasty Needed? Who is Suitable for Nose Aesthetics?

Post Date: 11/17/2022


What is (Nose Aesthetics) Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to obtain an aesthetic nose appearance and eliminate breathing problems. The rhinoplasty process, which interferes with factors such as bone, cartilage, and skin forming the nose area; is planned according to the facial structure and skin type of the person. The rhinoplasty procedure, which may vary according to the nose anatomy and general health status of the person, is applied by doctors who are experts in the field. Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure.

Rhinoplasty is performed with the help of a small incision made through the nostrils or the inside of the nose after the application of anesthesia. The duration of the procedure and the possible result to be obtained may vary according to the nose anatomy of the person, the general health status, and the experience of the specialist doctor who performs the procedure.

Who is Suitable for Rhinoplasty?          

Rhinoplasty, a common type of aesthetic surgery, is an effective treatment that aims to maximize the functional function and aesthetic appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty; It is a surgical procedure that can be applied to people with aesthetic concerns, or breathing difficulties, or to people who request the correction of deformed conditions caused by an accident. Since the rhinoplasty procedure requires surgical intervention, it is not a candidate for pregnant and lactating mothers and those who have additional diseases such as blood pressure and diabetes. With a detailed doctor’s examination to be performed, it is decided whether the person is a candidate for a rhinoplasty procedure. After determining whether the general health status of the patient is a candidate for the procedure, the problems that the person has been listened to by the doctor. In line with the patient’s demands and health status, the doctor determines the details of the procedure.

In Which Cases Is Rhinoplasty Needed?

Rhinoplasty is performed to eliminate a health problem in the nose area and to eliminate unwanted aesthetic disorders. In general; It is performed to eliminate factors such as congenital health problems, protrusion or curvature in the nasal bone, large or small appearance of the nose structure according to the face shape, and asymmetrical appearance at the tip of the nose. The patient who applies for rhinoplasty treatment to eliminate aesthetic anxiety must be over 18 years old.

Types of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, which is one of the most frequently used methods among aesthetic surgery methods, is performed in two different ways. Closed rhinoplasty is preferred for small interventions and open rhinoplasty is preferred for more large-scale interventions. However, these two methods are not compared with each other. Type of rhinoplasty; The demands of the patient are determined by the doctor taking into account the general state of health, psychological state, and anatomical structure of the nose.

Closed Rhinoplasty Procedure

Closed rhinoplasty, one of the most popular types of aesthetic surgery, is performed by making a small incision from the inside of the nose. Thanks to the closed rhinoplasty method, the possibility of any scars after the procedure and the healing process are minimized.

Open Rhinoplasty Procedure

The open rhinoplasty procedure, which is performed by making a small incision between the nostrils and at the bottom of the nostrils, offers a wider working view to the rhinoplasty surgeon. Since an incision will be made on the inside of the nose, the scar is not obvious and an aesthetically disturbing image does not occur. Open rhinoplasty, which is the most preferred type of rhinoplasty in the world, is a very safe medical process.

Things to Consider Before and After Rhinoplasty

Before the rhinoplasty procedure, which does not require any special preparation in terms of surgery, the person should not smoke and should not take any blood-thinning drug supplements. After the procedure, great care should be taken to the area where the application takes place in order not to create a traumatic effect. It is necessary not to lie on your side or face for a certain period after the procedure and not to wear glasses for about 2 months. Severe contact should be avoided to prevent possible damage to the nose.

It is extremely important that the rhinoplasty procedure is performed by doctors who are experts in the field and that the doctor’s recommendations are followed after the process. After the procedure, the patient must rest in a comfortable and hygienic environment for 2-4 days.

Those Who Are Curious About Rhinoplasty Process

For the rhinoplasty procedure, which is often preferred in the world and is an aesthetic surgical method, the age of the person and the course of bone formation are taken into consideration. The answer to the question of who applied rhinoplasty is directly related to the age and nose structure of the person. Since the bone structure of the person in the average age range of 16-17 years takes its final shape, it is more appropriate to perform rhinoplasty in the period after these ages. Despite this, for people younger than 17 years of age but with a noticeable deformity in the nose, a rhinoplasty process may be decided as a result of a detailed doctor’s examination.

Among the most frequently wondered about rhinoplasty is how many years the effect of the procedure will remain on average. All changes that will occur after the process are permanent for life unless there is an extra intervention. The aesthetic appearance obtained does not change naturally over time.

If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı