What Is a Prominent Ear, and Why Is Prominent Ear Surgery Performed?

Post Date: 6/13/2022


A prominent ear problem refers to the deformity of the ear. Although it does not affect the functioning of the body negatively, that means if there are no different underlying factors, a prominent ear appearance can be very disturbing all by itself in terms of facial aesthetics. Prominent ear aesthetics increase their popularity as a result of widespread among the world and the high demand for treatment by people.

Thanks to modern medicine development, prominent ear correction operations can be performed quickly, easily, and effectively. Subjects such as the stage of surgery, the recovery process after the operation, the    eligibility of the aesthetic changes, and the prominent ear surgery prices are some of the factors that are investigated by those who want to have this operation.

How is Prominent Ear Aesthetic Surgery Performed?

The prominent ear, also known as "bat ear", "otapostasis", and "protruding ears", is mostly related to the abnormality of the cartilage structure of the ear. It occurs due to the underdeveloped antihelix, enlargement of the concha, or the looseness of the cartilage. The answer to the question of how a prominent ear can be corrected may vary depending on which of these problems exist.

The most effective treatment method for prominent ear appearance is a surgical operation. Aesthetic surgery is performed in a hospital and does not carry major risks to the patients.

Before the surgery, general health status is checked, the patient's medical history and facial characteristics are also taken into account. It is applied under general anesthesia and the operation time is approximately forty-five minutes to one and a half hours. The cartilage is shaped according to how it's naturally supposed to be and the patient is discharged from the hospital on the same day as the surgery. After prominent ear surgery, the patient wears special ear bands for a short time. There is no loss of sensation during and after the application. After about 2 weeks of the recovery period, the protruded ear appearance disappears.

Why is prominent ear surgery performed? Who is a suitable candidate?

A prominent ear is a deformity that has been making difficulties in people's life since childhood. If this problem is left untreated, it risks negatively affecting a person's self-confidence and even socialization skills. The unaesthetic appearance mostly occurs in both ears, however, of course, it can also be seen in one ear. It is observed that patients develop actions such as trying to cover their ears with hair and hiding them by wearing a hat. Although it does not pose a functional problem, it negatively affects human psychology.

The prominent ear problem, which causes individuals to feel unhappy and to be made fun of by others, especially in childhood can be treated with an aesthetic operation. In this respect, it is possible to say that operation has an advantage such as increasing the quality of life. The causes of prominent ears are various and reasons are mostly hereditary. Loose ear cartilage, poorly developed anthelix, and flat auricle (pinna) appearance are treated within the extent of prominent ear plastic surgery. Children and adults with such deformities can undergo surgery.

If you suffer psychologically from a protruding ear problem, you can completely eliminate both this physical condition and the psychological and social negative effects of prominent ear appearance with short-term and permanent aesthetic applications.