What ıs Septoplasty?

Post Date: 8/7/2020


The nose is not only a sensory organ that allows us to smell, but it is also of critical importance for respiration. Deformities or birth defects that occur in the internal structure of the nose may cause the nose to not function properly. Septoplasty is a surgical operation performed to correct the curvature in the cartilage and bone located between the nostrils for different reasons. The cavity between the two nostrils is called the septum. Curvature in cartilage and bone is referred to as a deviated septum. The septum should be straight if it is bent or twisted; it blocks one or both chambers in the nose, preventing sufficient airfow. The deviated septum can cause the nose to fail performing respiratory functions, occasional nasal congestion, and sinus infections. A stuffy nose provides favorable conditions for bacteria to grow and reproduce. The fact that bacteria settle and reproduce in this region leads to chronic diseases by causing infections.

There can be many reasons for the septum deviation. Due to this congenital or subsequent problem, a very small passageway occurs in your nose to get air. Deviated septum may cause nasal and ear congestion, nosebleeds, sinusitis due to poor drainage, loss of or decrease in smell. The only way to correct the deviated septum is a surgical operation.

Septoplasty is one of the most common surgical operations, and as a result of this operation, your quality of life will increase. Difficulty in breathing through your nose can affect your quality of life and cause various symptoms. Through Septoplasty operation, the deviated septum is corrected, and if necessary, sinusitis is treated, as well as the polyps located in the nose are removed, the enlarged nasal tissue (concha) in the nose is reduced, the airway is opened, allowing you to get enough air again. Our comfortable breathing and sense of smell are greatly enhanced.

Septoplasty is not a rhinoplasty operation; if the patient wants to improve the function of the nose while demanding a correction, it can be performed in the same session together with rhinoplasty. You should talk to your physician before the operation and convey your preferences and expectations. Additional surgical procedures may also be needed to relieve some symptoms. Before the operation, your physician will examine your nose with a physical examination after getting information about your medical history and may ask you for some tests. Your nose is photographed from different angles and compared after a septoplasty operation, and these photographs are used as a reference.

Since the Septum deviation will not be obvious when it is looked from outside, there will be no change in your nose shape as a result of the operation. But if you want to change the shape of the nose, it should be done together with the rhinoplasty operation. Septoplasty's primary purpose is to solve the abnormalities in the nasal septum and the stuffy nose problem and to perform relief that cannot be provided with medications by surgical operation.

The surgical operation is carefully planned; your surgeon will carefully examine your nose structure and defects to achieve the most successful result possible.

In septoplasty, which can be performed under general anesthesia, the cartilage or bone is repositioned, and the septum is corrected. If there is distortion in the nasal bones, the incision is made and corrected. With septoplasty, breathing, nasal discharge, and nasal congestion are improved.

Healthy breathing becomes difficult due to the deviated septum, which significantly impairs quality of life. Sometimes a person can be born with this defect. A problem in the septum can cause recurrent infections that make it difficult to breathe, cause nosebleeds. With Septoplasty, quality of life is regained, and these defects are eliminated.

Repositioning the septum also improves our sense of smell. It enables odors to reach the nasal cavity and the sensory receptor.

These operations are tailor-made, planned according to her/his nose structure and defects. Even small changes that your surgeon will make in the septum will have a great impact on improving nasal function. If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı