5 Frequently Asked Questions about Face Lift Surgery

Post Date: 5/9/2022


One of the most popular aesthetic surgery operations among both male and female patients is facelift surgery. A facelift removes wrinkles and sagging, the common complaints of most middle-aged people, and enables patients to have a younger and more attractive appearance. 

In this article, we will answer the five most frequently asked questions by our patients about facelift surgery.

Is There Any Risk in a Facelift Procedure?

It is important to know whether the operation carries any risks for patients who consider facelift operation. Having a surgical procedure means getting general anesthesia, and general anesthesia always carries risk. However, this is a small possibility. As long as the surgery is performed by a competent and skilled surgeon, there is almost no chance of anything going wrong.

Does a Facelift Produce Permanent Results?

 Unfortunately, our face is the fastest aging area in our body. The signs of aging on the face often make the person look older than they are. Although a facelift eliminates the effects of aging for a long time, it cannot stop aging. In general, we can say that the effects of surgery could last for 5-10 years. If you treat your skin well, the results can remain as they were on the first day for even more than ten years. 

What Should you Expect From a Facelift?

 It’s always better to get into the procedure with realistic expectations. Thanks to modern medicine and developing technology, we can easily achieve results that were unimaginable 20 years ago. But it should not be forgotten that medicine also has certain limits. As we mentioned above, facelift surgery cannot miraculously stop aging; it can only improve the signs of aging. Facelift surgery will help you regain your self-confidence and make you happier, if only you have realistic expectations and it’s performed by a good plastic surgeon.

The surgery is over. So, what kind of process awaits patients now? How does the healing process work?

Facelift surgery is not a painful operation. Even in the first days after surgery, patients don’t complain about the pain. What bothers most patients is the swelling and bruising that occurs after the procedure. Although these bruises and swellings begin to decrease gradually within a week or two, it may take longer for them to disappear completely. This process varies from patient to patient. During the healing process, it is quite important to stay away from tiring and activities for fifteen days at least and to protect the skin against the sun. Remember, exposing your skin to the sun can both increase edema and cause scar formation. Make sure that you choose high-protection sunscreens before going out during the day.

What About the Scars?

The facelift surgery incision is made in front of the ear and, it goes towards the ends behind it. Even if there is scarring after the operation, it can be easily hidden between the hair. The scar begins to fade in an average of four weeks and is almost inconspicuous once completely healed.

If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı