Exercise After Rhinoplasty

Post Date: 11/11/2021

The candidates who are considering having a rhinoplasty operation and exercising regularly often ask "When can I return to exercise after the operation? " Some of our patients' professional careers are based on sports. Such patients want to know how their lifestyle will be affected after rhinoplasty and when they can return to sports.

First of all, it should be noted that the success of rhinoplasty operation does not depend only on the procedure applied. Although a rhinoplasty surgery performed by a specialist surgeon has a high chance of success, there are some factors that patients should pay attention to for a smooth recovery process.

To answer that question, it is necessary to know what kind and how often the patient exercises. Patients who do not experience any postoperative complications can start doing light exercises one month after their operation. For light-paced walks, it is enough to wait 15 days. However, the situation is different for individuals who are professionally engaged in sports and heavy exercises. Patients should protect their noses against all kinds of blows and trams for a while after the surgery. They must stay away from blood thinners, and should not even bend and tie their laces. In short, patients should avoid any activity that will increase blood pressure in the head area and cause bleeding or injury in the nose. Therefore, yoga, pilates, fitness, and all kinds of heavy exercises are prohibited for at least 6-8 weeks after the surgery. Do not forget that you will get the most accurate information from your doctor since the healing process of every patient does not work in the same way and there are different situations.

When Can You Start Walking, Jogging, and Swimming? 

We underlined the importance of staying away from heavy exercises for a few months. What about activities like walking, jogging, and swimming?

Walking at a light pace is allowed from the third day after the operation. In fact, taking light-paced walks during the recovery period is recommended by doctors as it helps to remove edema in the body more quickly. However, you should wait for at least 3-4 weeks for fast-paced, tiring and long-distance walks exceeding a few kilometers.

It is okay to start jogging and swimming 4 weeks after the operation; but if you are thinking of going for a fast-paced run, you should postpone your plans for 6-8 weeks.

Remember that your nose is vulnerable to impacts after rhinoplasty. You need to have patience for a while and stay away from exercises that carry the risk of impact such as yoga, pilates, fitness, weight lifting, intense exercise, volleyball, football, basketball, etc for 2 months ahead. You can contact us for more detailed information.

If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı