How Does Botox Work for Migraines?

Post Date: 7/20/2022


Migraine, categorized as severe and throbbing headache, is a compelling disease that reduces the quality of life by often bringing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Chronic migraine sufferers thought that medication was their only treatment option for years. However, botox treatment, which has become a popular medical aesthetic procedure in recent years, is among the options that chronic migraine patients can evaluate. Migraine treatment with botox offers an effective solution to chronic migraine as long as the patients are ready to make some changes in their lifestyles.

The Power of Botox

Migraine headaches become more unbearable than ever in the summer months due to the sudden increase in air temperatures. It would not be an exaggeration to say that most chronic migraine patients who have 3 or more attacks per month are almost drug-dependent.

Today, there is a preventive solution for these chronic migraine patients: migraine treatment with botox. So, how does the botox (botulinum toxin) treatment, which we know for years to eliminate facial wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin, also works in preventing migraine attacks?

The frequency of chronic migraine attacks, which reduces the quality of life of the individual, progresses differently in everyone. The form that goes with intermittent attacks is called episodic migraine, and the one where the person experiences pain for at least 15 days a month is called chronic migraine. In the second case, patients have difficulties in both their daily and work life and use excessive amounts of painkillers.

Things to Know About Migraine Treatment with Botox

Chronic migraine treatment aims to reduce the frequency of attacks, to stop the pain in a shorter time, and to reduce the impact of migraine on the quality of life of the person as much as possible. Caffeine, alcohol, and stress are known as the biggest triggers of migraine attacks, therefore patients are primarily asked to stay away from them. Apart from this, a special treatment process should be planned for each patient; taking into account the age, gender, weight, general health, and other physical and psychological characteristics of the person.

Botox treatment has proven to be the best option when patients do not respond to medication and lifestyle changes. When done for cosmetic purposes, Botox is used only in the face area; however, in the treatment of migraine, it is applied to 7 points on the forehead, temples, nape, and neck regions with 31 needle tips that are thinner than injection points. In some patients, the procedure needs to be repeated 2 times a year for the effectiveness of the treatment, while in some patients the effect of the procedure continues for a few years.

With the right implementation of a specialist doctor, successful results can be obtained and the patient can say goodbye forever to chronic migraine.If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı