What are the Causes of Postoperative Nosebleeds?

Post Date: 7/13/2023

Postoperative nosebleeds are one of the issues that rhinoplasty candidates are curious about the procedure and the healing process. You will find the answer to the question of why nosebleeds occur in the rest of this article.

Nosebleed is also known as epistaxis in medical terminology. You will encounter nosebleeds mostly in the first days after rhinoplasty. Sometimes it is in the form of leakage and usually does not occur to the extent that it negatively affects your life. You should remember that this situation you encounter during your convalescence is normal.

In addition, of course, the duration and severity of bleeding after your surgery is important. In addition, other symptoms such as swelling and bruising on your face after the operation may cause you to worry more about bleeding. If you have a consultation with an expert in the field such as Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı, you will have a good understanding of the causes. Thus, there will be no question marks in your mind before and after rhinoplasty.

Why is a Nosebleed Seen After Rhinoplasty?

You may want to learn the reasons why you experience nosebleeds after rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is also known as rhinoplasty surgery. It is a surgery performed to change your nasal structure, correct the septum, or relieve nasal congestion. During the operation, incisions are made in your intranasal and external tissues. These incisions can also affect the blood vessels. This can simply cause nosebleeds. The main causes of bleeding are as follows:

·        Bleeding from incisions made during surgery.

·        Use of blood thinners.

·        Increased intranasal pressure after surgery.

·        Impacts from outside.

Bleeding from incisions made during rhinoplasty surgery is one of the most common complications of surgery. These bleedings are usually mild and stop spontaneously. However, in some cases, the intervention of your specialist may be required to stop the bleeding.

What are the Types of Nosebleeds?

Nosebleeds are a common condition that affects people of all ages. Nosebleeds can have many causes and can range from mild to severe. Nosebleeds are divided into two main categories, anterior and posterior bleeding.

Anterior nosebleeds are caused by capillaries in the front part of your nostrils. This type of bleeding is usually mild and stops on its own. To stop this kind of bleeding, applying tampons or ice to your nostrils can help.

Posterior nosebleeds are caused by veins behind the nasal septum. This type of bleeding is usually more severe and may not stop on its own. Specialist intervention may be needed to stop posterior nosebleeds.

Nosebleeds can also be classified as mild, moderate, and severe. Mild nosebleeds are small amounts of blood coming from the nose. Such leaks usually stop spontaneously. Moderate nosebleeds refer to a larger amount of blood coming from your nose. The bleeding usually stops spontaneously within a few minutes. Severe nosebleeds are characterized by a very large amount of blood. Such bleeding usually does not stop spontaneously and requires a doctor's consultation.

Things to Do to Prevent Nosebleeds After Rhinoplasty

You should take the precautions recommended by your specialist to prevent nosebleeds after rhinoplasty. Picking or wiping your nose during the first 24 hours after surgery can irritate the blood vessels inside and cause bleeding. Therefore, you should avoid such actions during this period.

If you need to use intranasal tampons or bandages, you should follow your doctor's instructions. These tampons or bandages help prevent nosebleeds. Make sure you follow your doctor's instructions. Your specialist may also prescribe some medicines to help prevent bleeding after your operation. It is very important that you use these medicines according to the instructions.

When is Bleeding After Rhinoplasty a Concern?

After undergoing rhinoplasty, it is very important to be careful about postoperative bleeding. While some bleeding immediately after the procedure is considered normal, excessive or prolonged bleeding requires attention. Your specialist will usually give instructions for managing bleeding, such as using gauze or applying light pressure.

Mild bleeding at the procedure site may continue for the first 24 hours following your operation. You should limit your physical activities during this period. You should avoid strenuous exercise during these few days to minimize the risk of bleeding.

Excessive bleeding may be due to insufficient clot formation, infection, or problems with the surgical site. In emergency cases where bleeding becomes excessive or uncontrollable, urgent medical intervention is required. In such cases, you should definitely contact your specialist who performed the rhinoplasty surgery.

On the other hand, it is important to attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your specialist in order to have a detailed evaluation of your recovery process and to address your concerns. Even if you are not experiencing problems, regular examinations contribute to a comprehensive evaluation of your postoperative progress.


The nosebleed itself and its causes can also vary from case to case. Specific instructions from your specialist should always take precedence. If you have any doubts or concerns about bleeding in the postoperative period, do not hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider for guidance.


You can plan your treatment by making an appointment with Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı, one of the best rhinoplasty specialists in Turkey. You can also get detailed information about Istanbul rhinoplasty costs and the procedure. Have the appearance you desire in a quality and safe way. Please reach us using our contact details.