How is a Broken Nose Surgery Performed?

Post Date: 6/2/2023


Broken nose surgery, also known as nasal fracture, is a surgical procedure performed to repair the damage caused by a fracture in the nose due to sports injuries, car accidents, or external trauma.

It aims to restore the nose to its original state and correct any deformities. With the right treatment, you can avoid problems such as nasal congestion.

Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı, who has performed many successful nasal fracture surgeries, invites you to his clinic to share his expertise in this field. Now let's take a closer look at “How to tell if your nose is broken?” in the following part of our article.

How Can a Broken Nose Be Identified?

If you have a broken nose problem, there are certain symptoms that you can notice on your own. Below are some of the most common sings:

  • Difficulty breathing,
  • Pain and tenderness,
  • Bleeding,
  • Swelling,
  • Localized bruising.

Broken nose symptoms are often not easy to recognize. Therefore, if you experience any of these sings or a combination of them, it is important to consult a specialist.

How is a Broken Nose Diagnosed?

To diagnose a fractured nose, you should undergo an examination by a specialist. During this examination, the doctor may gently press around the bridge of your nose and check for any obstructions. In some cases, you may be asked to have an X-ray or a Computed Tomography (CT) scan.

What are the Treatment Options for a Broken Nose?

Broken nose treatment can vary from applying ice packs and taking painkillers to surgical procedures. The appropriate one for you will be determined based after your expert evaluates your injury.

For a minor broken nose with no significant deviation, the expert may apply ice and give painkillers. You can alleviate the symptoms with these ways at home on your own easily.

If you have more severe trauma, you may develop a nasal hematoma on one or both sides of your septum. This is a congestion. If left untreated, it can lead to a septal perforation. Additionally, a collapsed nasal bridge known as a saddle nose deformity may also occur. These conditions are treated by draining the septal hematoma.

On the other hand, if you have asymmetry in your nasal bones due to an accident, realignment is necessary. This procedure, which can usually be done under local anesthesia, involves manipulating nasal bones and cartilage. In these cases, nasal packing and splints are often placed inside the nose. The dressings and packing are usually removed within 14 days.

In the most severe cases of broken nose where no other option is viable, reconstructive surgery becomes necessary. The entire operations are performed under general anesthesia. If a septoplasty is preferred, the specialist makes changes to the septum. During this operation, pieces of bone and cartilage are removed, and the underlying structures are reshaped. As a result, your breathing quality significantly improves.

One of the most common surgeries is Rhinoplasty, which gives your nose a whole new appearance. In this procedure, the specialist takes a certain amount of bones and cartilage from your nose and reshapes or repositions the underlying structures.

Things to Consider After Broken Nose Surgery

► To ensure a fast and proper recovery after broken nose surgery, you need to take certain precautions and pay special attention to the guidelines provided by your specialist.

► In the first few days following the surgery, it is normal to experience some discomfort and mild pain. There may be swelling and bruising around your nose. If splints or packing are still in place, your specialist will instruct you on how to handle them. During the initial recovery period, it is recommended to rest, stay in bed, and sleep with your head elevated on a high pillow.

► During the nasal bone fracture recovery period, you should also be meticulous about nasal hygiene. Limit your strenuous exercise and avoid heavy lifting, bending, and straining.

► Maintaining a healthy diet is important for the healing process. Follow a diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein. Additionally, drink an adequate amount of water to prevent dehydration.

► Take the prescribed medications regularly as instructed by your doctor. Medications such as antibiotics, pain relievers, or nasal sprays may be used to support the healing process. However, consult your doctor before taking any other medications or supplements.

► Smoking and alcohol can also negatively affect healing and increase the risk of complications. Avoid consuming them during the postoperative period. These habits can slow down wound recovery and increase the risk of infection.

► Protect yourself from factors such as cold weather, wind, or dust. These can irritate the delicate nasal passage during the healing phase and lead to infections. Additionally, prevent yourself from the sun and use sunscreen.

► Finally, make sure not to miss the follow-up appointments scheduled by your specialist during the recovery period. Regular check-ups allow your doctor to monitor your healing progress and take any necessary measures regarding medical attention.

Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı, who performs many successful Rhinoplasty surgeries, provides you with a safe and comfortable recovery process in the treatment of broken nose. Please contact us for more information about the surgical procedure and to make an appointment.