What Should be Consıdered When Getting a Facelift?

Post Date: 5/8/2020

Facelift is a plastic surgery operation performed by removing excess sagging skin to make the face and neck look younger. Facelift operations aim to remove deformities that occur with increasing age such as sagging, wrinkles, skin laxity, loss of contour, and jowl. The loss of volume caused by the loss of contour and fat tissue in the face results in sagging skin and wrinkles with the negative contribution of gravity. Smoking, sun damage, stress and hereditary characteristics can also be included in the factors that trigger the signs of aging in the face.

With the facelift procedure, harsh signs of aging can be eliminated and you can regain your natural beauty that you had long time ago. In facelift operations, also called rhytidectomy , the facial tissue is elevated and the skin is pulled back from both sides. The goal is to make the face younger by surgically restoring the subcutaneous tissues. Excess skin is removed and the skin is closed up from the incision site. The incision lines in front of and behind the ear are generally unnoticeable. If necessary, different procedures can also be performed on your face in the same operation. Fat grafting and implants can be used to restore the facial contour. In addition, operations such as neck lift, eyelid surgery, brow lift, forehead lift can also be added to the facelift procedure.

You must have realistic expectations before the facelift procedure . This operation does not change the basic appearance of your face and its results last about ten years. Although it does not halt your aging process, it will yield a satisfactory result for most patients. Pain and discomfort will be minimal in facelift surgeries that are performed under general anesthesia.

In the facelift procedure , sagging facial skin is removed and tightened and the corners of the mouth are lifted up. By making the jawline more defined, sagging of the cheeks in this area are also reduced and the fine lines on the face are eliminated.

Facelift procedure is a cosmetic surgery for people with good mental and physical health. The patient should not be smoking, and should not have any condition that will lead to complications, such as hypertension and diabetes. A comfortable operation and recovery period is aimed. The patient's skin elasticity and bone structure also affect the success of the operation in direct proportion. Before the facelift operation, the patient should be aware that the operation will not halt the aging process. The patient should have an expectation accordingly and be aware that the face shape will not change. As in every surgery, your medical history and the medication you take will be reviewed before the operation; and if necessary, you may be asked to discontinue some medicines for a while.

Facelift procedure can be individualized, taking the needs of the patient into account. A standard facelift surgery aims at correcting moderate to severe sagging skin and signs of aging. By removing the sagging skin under the chin and tightening the facial skin, the appearance of wrinkles and lines is mitigated. Since the incision scars in front of the ear will remain in natural folds from the hairline, they will not be very visible in the future.

Mini facelift operations aim to remove mild skin sags and wrinkles. The tired look on the face is eliminated and the skin is tightened, giving the patient a youthful appearance. The incision line is shorter. It is an invasive technique that can be performed under either local or general anesthesia, depending on the preference. It can also be performed to prevent deep lines before the wrinkles on the skin become more evident. Mini facelift procedure can allow you to keep your skin looking young without the requirement of a more extensive operation for a long time.

Although the healing period is relatively longer in conventional facelift surgeries compared to mini facelift operations, the results are more pronounced.If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı