How to Treat Nasal Congestion?

Post Date: 1/3/2024

If you suffer from nasal congestion, you are experiencing some difficulties that reduce your quality of life. It would help if you learned how to solve this problem.


It is as important to breathe in and out correctly as it is to breathe without experiencing nasal congestion. Natural remedies have been sought over the years since it is a discomfort that can interrupt daily life.

In addition to nasal congestion, you can easily consult Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı about any problem you have with your nose. All you need to do is to have a consultation with him. During this examination, you can also find answers to your questions such as what is nasal congestion and what causes nasal congestion.

Why Does Nasal Congestion Occur?


Several different reasons can cause nasal congestion and can sometimes intensify to the point of making you uncomfortable. Below you can find the common causes of nasal congestion in order:

-Deviated septum

-Colds and flu



-Dry air

-Air pollution


Colds and flu, one of the most common causes, increase mucus production inside your nose, causing congestion. Viruses irritate the nasal mucosa and cause swelling. Another common cause of congestion is deviation, a curvature of the cartilage. If the cartilage and bone structure called the septum is crooked, you are more likely to face this problem. This condition is usually congenital, but can also occur as a result of trauma.

What are the Symptoms of Nasal Congestion?


Nasal congestion is usually characterized by a number of symptoms. One of these symptoms is the difficulty of airflow through your nose. If you have a stuffy nose, your normally smooth breathing becomes difficult. It becomes more difficult for you to breathe and this creates a feeling of intense discomfort.

In addition, another symptom that accompanies nasal congestion is nasal breathing. Because of the congestion in the nose, you may hear sounds through the nose when inhaling or exhaling. This is usually caused by the airflow becoming uneven due to obstructions inside your nose.

Nasal congestion is also associated with a runny nose or mucus secretion. Depending on the cause of the blockage, you may have increased mucus production inside the nose, which can lead to a runny nose. This is often the case in cases such as colds, flu or allergic reactions.

In addition to these symptoms, if you have a stuffy nose, you may also feel itching or burning inside your nose. This is associated with irritation of your nasal mucosa. Itching and burning sensations are often caused by allergic reactions or exposure to irritants.

What is Good For a Stuffy Nose?


How to relieve nasal congestion and what is good for nasal congestion are among the topics you are researching if you are experiencing this discomfort. If you can find a natural solution at home, you can get rid of nasal congestion on your own. However, for example, in cases requiring septum deviation, surgical operation is essential.

One of the actions you can take at home is steam inhalation. This is an effective way to relieve nasal congestion. When you take a hot shower or lean over a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam, you help thin the mucus in the nose and reduce congestion.

The salt water method is another natural remedy you can use to relieve nasal congestion. Cleaning the inside of your nose with salt water obtained by adding a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water can reduce your nasal congestion by eliminating some of the mucus. In addition, spicy foods, especially spices such as rosemary, chili pepper and turmeric, are products that can help you eliminate this problem. Adding these spices to your meals or consuming them in hot drinks can be useful.

Septum Deviation Solution for Nasal Congestion


If your nasal congestion is caused by a congenital or acquired curvature of the septum, surgical intervention is highly likely. Normally, your septum is a straight structure that divides your nasal cavity into two equal parts. However, in some people, the septum can become curved or curved.

This usually causes noticeable symptoms. If you have a curved nose, you are likely to experience nasal congestion, frequent nosebleeds, headaches, snoring, and sleep apnea. Also, depending on the severity of this curvature, you may be able to get more air through one side of your nostrils while feeling congested on the other side.

How is a Deviated Septum Diagnosed?


A deviated septum is diagnosed after an examination by a specialist in this field. During the examination, an endoscope or a lighted instrument is inserted into your nose to assess the condition of your septum.

Deviated septum correction surgery, also commonly referred to as "septoplasty". During this surgery, the cartilage and bone tissues causing the curvature are corrected and the airflow inside your nose is improved. The surgery is usually performed under local or general anesthesia, is short in duration, and provides significant relief for you as a result. Your quality of life will also be significantly improved.

If you are experiencing nasal congestion and are looking for a solution, you should first understand the causes. You can start breathing comfortably by making an appointment with Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı, who has successfully applied all solutions in this field, including septum deviation. Contact us immediately.