Psychological Status in Patients Before Rhinoplasty

Post Date: 9/8/2022


There may be different reasons for wanting to have nose surgery. The person may decide to have nose surgery due to physical appearance, aesthetic concerns, or functional problems.

It is perfectly normal to decide to undergo an aesthetic operation due to psychological factors or sociological reasons. For example, a nose that is more proportional to the face can satisfy a person psychologically, increase the individual's self-confidence, and reinforce his ability to socially adapt. But individuals with severe Body Dysmorphic Disorder, for example, may seek the solution in cosmetic surgeries. In this regard, the factors underlying the reasons for having plastic surgery should be determined first. If there are dysmorphic findings, it is recommended to focus on the treatment of this disorder first.

Below are the most common aesthetic-based causes:

  • Feel the need to be liked.
  • The need to meet beauty expectations.
  • The desire for body transformation.
  • The desire for social acceptance.
  • Seeking to meet the desire to change something in life.
  • Identification with celebrities.

The topics on this list go on and on, but it's important to remember that requests should be realistic, and benefit driven. In this sense, the surgeon examines the patient during the consultation process and states his/her final decision.

The functional reasons underlying the request for surgery are as follows:

Is nasal surgery performed only for aesthetic concerns? Of course not. Nose surgeries are done to treat defects such as breathing difficulty, olfactory dysfunction, respiratory tract infections, and problems in voice production. During the treatment process of these, patients may want their aesthetic defects to be corrected in the same operation.

Mental Health of Rhinoplasty Candidates

The person can decide to have surgery with a quick decision, or he/she can make the decision after long thinking processes. Moreover, he/she may get very close to the idea of ​​having plastic surgery first and then change his/her mind. Because during the decision process, the relatives may also express their opinions, and this affects the applicants' thoughts on surgery. Much false information be heard, including that the surgery is difficult, the healing process is painful, the surgery is useless, and rhinoplasty is expensive. But of course, the exact opposite situation is also frequently encountered. For example, if the person is not sure, his/her inner circle can motivate him/her to the surgery. The patient usually wonders the following questions:

Is nose surgery necessary? Will I be able to get the result I want? Will my nose be worse after surgery? How do I find the right doctor? How will my daily life change after rhinoplasty? Do CCB specialists perform nasal surgery? What will happen in the first days after rhinoplasty? What should I do if I don't like my nose?

Advances in medical technology have made nose surgeries easier, this is a fact. Compared to the past, aesthetic operations are performed painlessly and more easily. However, each surgical application is individual. You can get the most accurate answers after consultation and examination.

While the opinions of those around you are important, remember that the final decision is yours. It is normal to have questions in your mind and your doctor will give detailed and accurate answers to each of them. It will be an important advantage to choose a successful and experienced doctor.If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı