Is it Possible to Undergo a Second Nose Surgery? Details of Revision Rhinoplasty

Post Date: 6/28/2024

Is a second nose surgery an option? What should be considered during the revision surgery process? Find out everything you need to know about secondary nasal surgery in this article.

Let's address the topic right away. Yes, it is possible to undergo a second nose surgery. This procedure, known as revision rhinoplasty, secondary rhinoplasty, or second nose operation, is performed on patients who are not satisfied with the results of their initial nose surgery or who experience functional post-procedure problems. The aim is to correct the unsatisfactory or insufficient outcomes of the first surgery. Now, let's delve into this process, including its causes, effects, and requirements.

What is Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty, also known as secondary rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed on individuals who have previously undergone nose job. This procedure aims to address and correct any aesthetic or functional issues that arose or were not fully resolved from the initial procedure. The condition may be purely aesthetic or functional, or a combination of both.

Factors Leading to Secondary Nose Surgery

Patients may encounter various issues after their initial rhinoplasty. These problems can include the nose not achieving the desired shape or experiencing nasal congestion. The key factors contributing to these issues are:

  • Shape deformities
  • Nasal asymmetry
  • Nasal congestion
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Infection
  • Chronic pain
  • Drooping nasal tip
  • Major scarring
  • Inequality in nostrils
  • Smell disorders

Reasons for Revision Rhinoplasty

The problems listed above, which may arise after the first nose job, are the primary factors necessitating a second nasal operation. However, it is also essential to mention the underlying causes of these outcomes.

Aesthetic Reasons

Some patients do not achieve their expected aesthetic results after the first surgery. In such cases, a secondary rhinoplasty may be necessary to correct the nose shape. Typically, a new nose design is shown to patients before the op. If the preview is not displayed, if the shown design and the actual result do not match, or if the patient's expectations change, it can lead to unmet aesthetic demands.

The process of creating the nasal design is as follows:

  • Photos of the patient's nose and face are taken for a detailed analysis of the nose shape.
  • The photos are uploaded to specialized computer software. The changes to be made in the patient's nose structure are simulated through these programs.
  • The specialist makes various changes to the nose structure to suit the patient's facial features. The software creates a visual representation of these changes.
  • The new nose design is shown to the patient. At this stage, the patient and the doctor collaborate on the design, deciding if any further adjustments are needed.
  • Once the patient approves the final design, this design is used as a guide during the surgery to achieve the desired result.

Functional Reasons

Functional reasons involve situations that directly impact a patient's daily life quality and lead to significant health issues such as breathing problems. Various issues, ranging from nasal congestion and breathing difficulties to valve insufficiency, sinus problems, and septum deformities, fall into this category. Revision rhinoplasty aims to address and eliminate these conditions.

Suitability for Revision Rhinoplasty

Suitable candidates for revision rhinoplasty are those who have previously undergone a nose surgery and are not satisfied with the results.

Sufficient Time Must Have Passed Since the First Surgery: Generally, at least 12 months should pass for the initial nasal operation to heal completely and for the final results to become evident. This period may vary depending on the patient and the condition of the nose.

The Patient's General Health Condition Must Be Suitable for Surgery: Patients without serious health issues, such as heart disease, diabetes, or bleeding disorders, are more suitable candidates for revision rhinoplasty.

The Patient's Psychological Condition Should Be Good: Psychological suitability is crucial for for objectively evaluating the results of the previous op.

The Nose Structure Must Be Suitable for a Second Surgery: Patients with sufficient nasal cartilage and tissue are better candidates. It is also important that the previous nose job did not cause significant damage to the nasal structure.

Preparation Phase

Before revision rhinoplasty, the patient's health condition is assessed, and the results of the last nose operation are examined. At this stage, the patient's expectations and the goals are determined. Detailed planning is conducted, and the general information is provided.

Procedure Phase

Secondary rhinoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia. During the surgery, deformities in the nose structure are corrected, and internal nasal problems are resolved. The specialist's expertise and artistic perspective play a significant role in the outcomes.


There are some important points that patients should pay attention to during the post-surgery period of the second nasal operation:

  • The nose should be protected from impacts.
  • Medications prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly.
  • The head should be elevated while sleeping.
  • Strenuous physical activities should be avoided.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided.
  • The nose and face should be protected from harmful sunlight.
  • Cold compresses should be applied during the first week.
  • Nasal splints and bandages should be protected.
  • Plenty of water should be consumed to reduce swelling.
  • Splints should remain in place for the duration recommended by the doctor.


Revision rhinoplasty is a significant solution for patients who are not satisfied with the results of their first nose job or who experience functional problems. A second nasal surgery requires a careful evaluation process and offers substantial benefits for suitable candidates. Adhering to the doctor's instructions before and after the operation is crucial for a healthy and successful recovery. It is also essential to choose healthcare centers that provide expert doctors, sterile environments, and advanced technological equipment for successful outcomes. For more detailed information about revision rhinoplasty, you can contact us.