Nasal Aesthetics

Post Date: 12/26/2020

Nostrils are an essential element that enhances a person's facial appearance and increases their attractiveness. Unsymmetrical nostrils, in particular, can make many people more unhappy than other defects in their noses. Therefore, nostril design is one of the success  indicators of rhinoplasty surgery. Asymmetrical nostrils make the nose much more efficient both functionally and visually.

It is the nostrils that allow a rhinoplasty surgery to have much more natural results. Symmetrical and average-sized oval nostrils make the results of nasal surgery look much more natural. In particular, the nostrils must be of sufficient width to properly perform the breathing function. In some cases, the nostrils may be congenitally small because the nose is too narrow. In such cases, grafting is performed to the nose area with cartilage taken from the other part of the body to expand the nose wings. This process is essential in raising the nasal wall and making the overall facial appearance more attractive. For wide or open nostrils in rhinoplasty operations, the tissue is taken from the part where the nostril meets the cheek, and narrowing is performed in the nose. Still, sometimes it may be necessary to take a piece from the nose's base tissue, which is a part of the nasal structure.  This situation enables the nostrils to be narrowed inward. The nostrils' symmetry can radically change the person's general facial expression and give a healthier image. In some cases, the person may not need to have another operation on his nose by removing the nostrils' asymmetry. However, one of the biggest causes of asymmetry in the nostrils is nasal curvature. For the human nose, a 0.5-1 degree inclination range is accepted as usual standards. Due to aesthetic concerns, men are more tolerant of nasal curvature than women. The main goal of rhinoplasty surgery is to bring problems such as curvature of the nose and asymmetrical nostrils to normal physiological limits. If the nose, which has a 3-4 degree curvature before the operation, is reduced to less than 1 degree after the process, it is considered that the surgery has reached its goal.

Before the rhinoplasty, the surgeon's examination determines which type of operation will be performed for the nose with which the patient is complaining. The new nose image that the person will have in the digital environment is designed and presented to the patient.  The patient is psychologically prepared for the operation idea and his new appearance.

Many factors are essential for the success of the nostril design in rhinoplasty surgeries. The first of these is the experience and skill of the surgeon. A little mathematics is then involved, and the golden ratio and the most suitable nostril sizes are calculated. The distance  between the person's nostrils should be directly proportional to the distance from the eye's inner edges. If it is large enough for the patient to breathe and conform to the face's general shape, the nostrils are given the previously planned form.

The healing process of the patient after the nostril aesthetics firstly depends on the patient's skin structure. With the latest techniques used today, the healing process of patients has been dramatically shortened. The patient can recover in about a week and return to work and easily continue his daily life.

Nasal aesthetics surgery improves the aesthetic appearance of the person and positively enhances the quality of life. Patients who can breathe adequately can get rid of their problems, such as allergies that affect general health. All individuals over the age of 18 who are uncomfortable with the  asymmetrical appearance  in their nostrils can apply for  rhinoplasty surgery for nasal design.

You can contact us for more detailed information  on nostril asymmetry and treatment options. We will be delighted to answer your questions.If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı