Prevention Of Impacts After Rhinoplasty

Post Date: 9/11/2020

Rhinoplasty, which is also referred to as a nose job, aims to permanently improve the shape, size, and structure of the nose. Rhinoplasty is a term that you should plan before and after, financially and spiritually. After you have invested so much in rhinoplasty surgery, you expect the effects to be permanent. But in order to catch permanent effects on your nose, you need to have a very controlled recovery period. You should be careful to protect your nose as needed after the rhinoplasty.

Postoperative care is as important as the operation in rhinoplasty and should not be neglected. Due to its position on the face, the nose is unprotected against impacts from outside. A minor neglect and an accident can cause damage to your nose and dramatic injuries. A blow to the nose can cause damage to tissues, cartilage, and bones around the nose. A nose whose natural structure has been changed will be more sensitive to impacts after the operation. The nose recovers itself only eight weeks after the operation, reaching eighty-five percent of its former resistance. The cartilage, bone, and surrounding tissues in your nose will continue to heal for a year after the operation, but the nose needs to be protected during this process.

It is normal to have mild to moderate pain that can be controlled with medication after rhinoplasty: these pain and discomfort are expected to recover within three days. One of the most common complications after the operation is edema and bruising. It can be seen that the first day is less pronounced, while the second day increases more. The degree of complications of this person can vary from person to person. While there is an increase in edema around the eyes, bruising may be observed around the cheek. It is quite normal for a bloody runny nose to come from your nose for a while. Over time, all of these symptoms will disappear.

It is recommended not to use glasses for a month after rhinoplasty. Since the glasses will put pressure on the bridge of the nose, it may produce a change in the shape of the nose. You can wear contact lenses or hang your glasses down with a tape from your moment without sitting on the nasal bone.

After the operation, heavy exercises should not be done, you should stay away from the activities that will force you like lifting and stretching for 3 weeks. For your wounds to heal, you should give yourself time and spend this process resting. Severe activities can cause your wounds to reopen or delay your healing and bleed. Even if you do not feel any existing nose in your nose while you are exercising, you should accept that it is susceptible to damage because it is still sensitive. Considering that the most common cause of injuries after rhinoplasty is children and pets, it is very important to develop methods to protect yourself against such accidental bumps. Although you are sensitive to impacts a few months after rhinoplasty, these impacts are generally rare to have serious consequences. However, if a serious blow is taken, this may affect the outcome of the operation.

If you are dealing with a sport that is likely to get a blow on your nose, it may be necessary to use a special protective mask to protect your nose. It is important to get information from your surgeon about the care and protection of your nose after rhinoplasty. You should be warned about the risks in advance and protect yourself according to these new conditions for a while.

In the recovery process, you should avoid unnecessary risks that will harm your operation result and avoid activities that may cause you to get a blow on your nose. If you get a blow in your nose despite all the protections, apply a cold compress immediately. Serious blows to the nose can sometimes cause bruising, edema, and fractures. If you receive a severe blow from your nose after rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty may be required to correct the result of the damage. You can find out if there is permanent damage as a result of the impact and whether revision rhinoplasty is required by consulting your surgeon. If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı