Septoplasty Recovery Period: Can I Breathe Through My Nose?

Post Date: 2/12/2024

If you are considering septoplasty surgery, you may be wondering whether you will be able to breathe through your nose during the recovery process. Learn the answer and relax.


You may have a tampon in your nose for a few days after your septoplasty surgery. This may require you to breathe through your mouth only during this time. Tampons are softer and easier to remove than before. Self-melting versions are also used.

If you are a potential candidate, it is natural to be curious about the septoplasty recovery process. Recovery from septoplasty may not be as difficult and long as you think. In this context, you need to plan your treatment with the right specialist. You can contact Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı, who performs the best nose surgeries in Turkey and ask him the questions you have in mind.

What is a Septum? 

After answering the question of what is septoplasty, it is also useful to understand what the septum is before moving on to concerns about the healing period. The structure located on the inside of your nose and separating it into two parts is called the septum. Anatomically, it consists of cartilage and bone. Under normal conditions, the septum is expected to divide your nose equally into two and therefore you should be able to breathe comfortably through both nostrils. However, if there is congenital or accident/trauma-related curvature, a diagnosis of deviated septum can be made.


Cartilage curvature surgery, septoplasty, or septum deviation, is a surgical procedure that is widely practiced today. Many women and men in our country need septum correction, mostly due to genetic factors. With the help of advances and advancing technology in this field, septoplasty is performed in a very comfortable and safe way.

Curiosities About the Period After Septoplasty Surgery


If you are considering septoplasty, in addition to the question "Can I breathe through my nose?", you may also have concerns such as "Will my face swell?", "Will there be bruising around my eyes?", "Will there be a scar?". While nasal breathing is possible a few days after the operation, the answer to other questions depends on the scope of the surgery. If it is a relatively simple deviated septum, you do not need to worry about these.

Your specialist reaches the septum under the mucosa through an incision in your nose. It corrects the curvatures detected here and, if necessary, rasps the bony protrusions. Since no intervention will be made on the external structure of your nose, you will not experience swelling or bruising in this area. In some rare cases, an external incision can be made in advanced deviations, but this is performed in a way that is not noticeable.

What to Expect After Septum Deviation?


After undergoing septoplasty surgery to correct a deviated septum, you mostly experience a transformative journey marked by notable changes in your nasal function and overall well-being. Deviated septum surgery before and after period is different. It's characterized by a noticeable improvement in breathing, as the surgery aims to straighten the nasal septum and alleviate obstruction.

The recovery from septoplasty is a gradual process, with individuals navigating a day-by-day journey toward improved nasal health. The early days post-surgery may involve discomfort, congestion, and mild pain, but as time progresses, these symptoms tend to subside. The septoplasty recovery time varies for each person, but a general trajectory involves an initial period of rest and limited activity, followed by a gradual return to normal routines.

The septoplasty healing process involves monitoring for potential complications, such as signs of infection after septoplasty. You must be vigilant about any unusual symptoms and promptly seek medical attention if infection is suspected. A thorough understanding of the expected deviated septum surgery before and after effects can aid in distinguishing normal postoperative discomfort from potential issues.

Considerations for Comfort After Septoplasty


In the days after surgery, you should be mindful of potential challenges like nasal congestion and breathing problems, common consequences of the procedure. To promote healing and protect the delicate nasal tissue, it's advisable to avoid strenuous activities and contact sports during the initial recovery phase. The need to blow your nose should be approached with caution to prevent excessive bleeding, as the surgery involves adjusting cartilage and bone in the nasal passage.

Maintaining a cautious approach against diseases such as flu and physical activities will help the nasal passages to heal and the septum to straighten correctly. You should also take into account the effect of the general anesthesia used during surgery and avoid activities that may pose a risk in the first hours. In this context, it is also important to have someone to accompany you.

Additional Measures You Can Take for Comfortable Breathing

Protecting the operated side of your nose becomes crucial for preventing inadvertent trauma. Additionally, being aware of potential indicators of complications, such as a sinus infection, is essential for preserving the overall quality of life post-surgery. If necessary, prescribed pain medication can help you to manage discomfort and promote a smoother recovery.


A notable aspect of the recovery process is the impact on the sense of smell. Patience is key as this may take time to fully return. Overall, mindful postoperative care and adherence to guidelines contribute significantly to a more comfortable and successful recovery after septoplasty. For detailed information about Septoplasty Turkey costs and the procedure, you can contact and have a consultation with Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı.