Things to Know Before Eyelid Aesthetics

Post Date: 12/30/2022


What is Eyelid Aesthetics?

Eyelid aesthetics is a plastic surgery procedure performed around the eyes. This procedure aims to give the eyelids a smoother appearance and make the eye look younger and more vigorous. Wrinkles around the eyes are considered signs of aging. For this reason, eyelid aesthetics focuses on reducing the signs of aging. During the surgery, the surgeon removes the excess layers of the eyelid and allows the area in question to gain a more uniform appearance. Eyelid surgery is performed under general anesthesia and is completed within 2-4 hours on average. Afterward, the patient is sent home and the healing process usually begins within a few days.

In Which Situations and How is Eyelid Aesthetics Performed?

Eyelid aesthetics is a surgical procedure performed to reduce the signs of aging on the eyelid and provide a more dynamic appearance to the individual. This procedure can be applied to solve problems such as wrinkles and depression in the upper eyelid and swelling and tingling in the lower eyelid. Eyelid aesthetics is applied to eliminate the signs of aging that occur after the average age of 40. However, eyelid aesthetics can also be performed at younger ages due to congenital anatomical defects in the eyelid.

During the procedure, an incision is made in the upper eyelid to reduce the natural wrinkles and depressions on the eyelid and, if necessary, the fat tissue is removed or shaped properly. In the lower eyelid, a minimal incision is made and fatty tissue is removed to relieve swelling and tingling.

The results of eyelid aesthetic application are usually very satisfactory and patients' appearance improves rapidly. However, similar to any surgical procedure, the eyelid aesthetic procedure may have some risks and side effects. Therefore, before deciding to undergo the procedure, you should talk to your surgeon in confidence and get information about all the details.

Who Can Be a Good Candidate for Eyelid Aesthetics?

To be a good candidate for eyelid aesthetic application, several conditions must be met.

You can choose this procedure if the signs of aging on the eyelid bother you if you have problems such as swelling and tingling in the eyelid, if there are depressions and wrinkles in the eyelid area, or if there are congenital structural defects in the eyelid or low position of the relevant area.

Every individual considering eyelid aesthetic procedure should be in good general health and should not smoke. In addition, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and some other health conditions may not be suitable for eyelid surgery. For this reason, individuals who decide to experience the eyelid aesthetic procedure should have a preliminary interview with the healthcare professional who will perform the procedure and ask all their questions.

What Should Be Considered After Eyelid Aesthetics?

After eyelid aesthetics, it is very important to follow the healing process as recommended by your surgeon and take some precautions. These precautions are extremely necessary to speed up the healing process and prevent complications.

  • Wound Care: Immediately after the eyelid aesthetic procedure, your surgeon will give you information and instructions on wound care. You should follow these instructions carefully.
  • Pain Medication: Within the first 24 hours, you should regularly use pain medications prescribed by your surgeon. These medicines will reduce the pain and tension in the eyelid.
  • Creams and Lotions: You should regularly use the creams and lotions prescribed by your surgeon for wound care. These creams and lotions will keep the skin moisturized and contribute positively to the healing process.
  • Sunscreen Cream: You should use sunscreen cream to protect yourself from the sun's rays. This measure will prevent skin damage and speed up the healing process.

What are the Advantages of Eyelid Aesthetic Procedure?

Eyelid aesthetic procedure reduces the signs of aging on the eyelid and provides a more dynamic appearance. The application, which allows the elimination of signs of aging that usually occur after the age of 40, can also be performed at younger ages due to anatomical disorders.

Eyelid aesthetics reduces depression and wrinkles on the eyelid and offers a more dynamic appearance to the individual. In this way, the unaesthetic appearance that comes with aging is improved. 

Eyelid aesthetics, which reduces excessive swelling and tingling problems that occur in the eyelid over time, offers a healthier and more vibrant field of vision to the individual. However, it reduces under-eye bruises and allows the eyes to look more vigorous. This procedure, which is usually a painless procedure, may cause mild pain and a feeling of tension depending on the way the application is performed. To prevent the effects of this situation, it will be useful to use painkillers given by your surgeon. 

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