What Can You Do To Speed Up The Recovery Process After Rhinoplasty?

Post Date: 7/10/2020

The patient who is looking forward to seeing the outcome of their rhinoplasty as soon as possible is presented with some methods that can be applied to speed up the healing process. First of all, the patient should be aware that the full recovery period after the operation can take up to a year.

Following the rhinoplasty in other words aesthetic nasal surgery, it is normal to have mild and moderate pain that can be controlled with pain medication. This pain and the discomfort you feel are relieved after 72 hours. Surgery related oedema and regional bruises are also quite normal. These symptoms will return to normal over time as they increase on the second day following the operation. The symptoms and recovery period will vary from person to person.

While the splint in your nose removed in a week, the bruises will decrease in this period and you will be able to return to your daily life in a week or two. While edema decreases in the second week, bruises disappear completely. Within a month, the patient can return to basic individual exercise activities and participate in his daily exercises safely. Within six weeks, the bones in your nose settle and you can start wearing glasses. Numbness on your nasal skin will disappear in six months. In one year, all edema on the face will go away and your nose shape will become apparent.

There are some tips you can take to speed up this one-year process and recovery steps:

It is important to keep your head upright for at least six weeks to reduce edema and bruises. Otherwise, bruising and edema may increase and prolong your recovery process. You should keep your head and heart high and reduce risk by using two or three pillows while sleeping. If you sleep without keeping your head high, not only edema and bruises will increase, but even the shape of your nose may be affected. It is also important that someone provide assistance by giving you an arm as you walk around the house.

The cold compress you will apply after rhinoplasty will reduce edema. Edema and bruising may be seen especially in the nose, upper lips, around the eyes and cheeks, but will decrease spontaneously in ten days. It is important to continue this practice for 72 hours on your cheeks and not to touch your nose. Ice bags will also help your pain relief.

After rhinoplasty, bed rest is needed, you should speed up your healing process by getting plenty of rest. Although nasal congestion makes it difficult for you to fall asleep, try to sleep seven to eight hours every night. Avoid excessive talking, laughing, chewing or strenuous activities; You should protect your nose against impacts and bumps.

Make sure to eat light and warm dishes after the operation. Try not to consume hot liquids for a few days. To prevent nausea and vomiting, light meals should be preferred and consumed in small portions If necessary, medication can be used for nausea and vomiting. It is important to follow a balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits. As long as the body receives the necessary vitamins and minerals, it will recover and heal faster. In addition, protein-rich foods have an important role in repairing your skin, muscle and cartilage structure. If you have constipation problems, don't forget to ask doctor for medication.

After the bandages are removed from your nose, you can breathe, but you should not blow through the nose for SIX MONTHS. If feel like sneezing, try to prevent this and open your mouth to let it pass.

Soften the nostrils with ointments to heal the scabs. Be careful when brushing your teeth, numbness in this area can sustain for several months.

Hot presses, hot showers, hot drinks and sauna can increase edema. You should also stay away from the sun. The sun can cause your scar to become prominent, increase edema, and cause marks. Also, be careful not to do exercises requiring body strength such as lifting weights, stretching, and bending. Since the healing of the bones will take six weeks, you should avoid strenuous exercises in this process.

After rhinoplasty you should be careful not to wear glasses afterwards; pressure on the nose caused by glasses will cause extra edema and bruising. If you want to speed up your recovery in this process, you should listen to your doctor's recommendations and follow his/ her recommendations..