What Causes Snoring and How to Treat It?

Post Date: 3/16/2023


Snoring is a condition caused by the vibration of the tissues in the throat and mouth during breathing. When we sleep, our body's muscles relax, including those that control our airways. As a result, the airway narrows and the tissues in the throat and mouth vibrate, causing the snoring sound.

What is Snoring?

Snoring is a noisy breathing condition caused by a partial obstruction in the upper respiratory tract. The inability of the obstructed airway to adequately support the breathing function causes trembling in the throat. As a result, the snoring problem of the individual who cannot breathe comfortably due to the problem arising from the upper respiratory tract occurs.

The snoring problem, which is more common in overweight individuals and men, is a condition that can affect almost everyone. Many individuals may experience snoring problems at some point in their lives. This problem causes negative effects on breathing and sleep patterns and quality. At the same time; It has the same negative effect on the quality of the individual's day and causes him to feel sluggish during the day. 

What are the Main Causes of Snoring?

Snoring is a common health problem that can affect individuals of all ages, genders, and body types. Snoring occurs when the airflow through the mouth and nose is partially obstructed. It causes the tissues in the throat and mouth to vibrate, resulting in a disturbing sound. Multiple factors can be given as an answer to the question 'Why snoring happens at night'.

► Anatomy: Anatomy of the mouth and throat may play a role in snoring. For example; a deviated septum, enlarged tonsils or adenoids (soft palate), or a narrow airway can cause snoring.

► Overweight: Being overweight or obese can increase the amount of fatty tissue in the throat, narrowing the airway and causing snoring.

► Age: As we age, our throat and tongue muscles may weaken, increasing the likelihood of snoring.

► Sleep Position: Sleeping on your back can cause the small tongue and soft palate to collapse towards the back of the throat, blocking the airways and ultimately causing snoring.

►Smoking: It can cause inflammation and irritation in the respiratory tract and cause snoring.

► Adenoid Enlargement: Difficulty in swallowing and snoring may be symptoms of an adenoid problem. Consulting a specialist physician, making the correct diagnosis, and recommending adenoid surgery if necessary, can greatly relieve snoring. After adenoid surgery, snoring is highly reduced and quality of life increases to the same extent.

► Nasal Congestion: Nasal congestion caused by allergies or colds can cause snoring, making nasal breathing difficult.

► Sleep Apnoea: Sleep apnoea is a complete obstruction of the airway during sleep and pauses breathing. This condition can cause snoring, gasping for breath, and choking-like sounds during sleep.

In some cases, snoring may indicate a serious underlying problem such as sleep apnoea or other respiratory disorders. If snoring is severe, if there is excessive daytime sleepiness, or if you experience other symptoms such as difficulty breathing during sleep, it is extremely important to consult a specialist doctor for evaluation.

What are the Symptoms of Snoring?

Snoring is a health problem characterized by the sound made by vibrating tissues in the throat and mouth. In addition to the sound factor, other symptoms may indicate that a person snores. When these symptoms are in question, you can investigate the question of 'which department to go to for snoring'. Contacting a doctor equipped in the field by going to the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) department can be beneficial for diagnosis and treatment.

► Daytime Sleepiness: Snoring can affect sleep quality, causing the person to feel extremely tired or sleepy during the day.

► Difficulty Concentrating: Snoring causes poor sleep quality. This negatively affects the person's ability to concentrate and focus during the day.

► Sore Throat: A snoring problem that causes irritation and inflammation in the throat can lead to a sore throat or a dry, itchy sensation.

► Headache: Poor sleep quality due to snoring can lead to different ailments such as headaches or migraines.

► Mood changes: Poor sleep quality due to snoring can also affect a person's mood, leading to different problems such as irritability, anxiety, or depression.

To prevent more serious problems, the problem of severe and frequently recurring snoring should be addressed and snoring treatment should be considered. You can apply the doctor's guidance for effective solution suggestions that will answer the question of 'How snoring passes in women'. With this guidance, it is possible to get detailed information about snoring treatment prices in Turkey and the effects of treatments. 

How is Snoring Problem Treated?

The problem of snoring, which affects many people negatively, is a condition that can be treated with various medical approaches. Many treatment options can be recommended in response to the question 'How snoring goes away'.

► Lifestyle Changes: Making certain lifestyle changes can help reduce or eliminate snoring. Losing weight, avoiding alcohol and tranquilizers, changing sleeping positions, and quitting smoking are some examples of lifestyle changes that can help.

► Oral appliances: Oral appliances, such as mandibular advancement devices or tongue retaining devices, can help keep the airway open during sleep by repositioning the jaw or tongue.

► Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to address the underlying cause of snoring. Surgical procedures such as uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) or septoplasty can help reduce or eliminate snoring.

► Positional Therapy: Positional therapy involves changing sleeping positions to reduce snoring. For example, sleeping on your side instead of your back can be effective in reducing snoring.

► Sleep Patterns: Establishing a regular sleep schedule, creating a relaxing sleep environment, and avoiding electronic devices before sleep can reduce snoring.

Snoring may indicate sleep apnea or other health problems. It is extremely important to find the underlying cause of snoring under the guidance of a doctor and to find an anti-snoring treatment method. For a better quality night's sleep and energetic life, you can contact Prof.Dr. Selçuk Inanli and his well-equipped medical team experience successful treatments.