Which Forehead Lift Method Is More Suitable for You?

Post Date: 1/18/2021

The eyes and eyebrow area are the first window to the outside world in a person's interaction with other people. Eyebrow and eye shape are as powerful as words in expressing their emotions. The forehead area,  which is based on the person's gaze and eyebrow structure, can cause the person to look more tired and older, either due to genetic factors or the signs of aging over the years. A sagging and wrinkled forehead makes the person miserable. In such cases, it is possible to reverse  the adverse effects of aging quickly with a forehead lift operation.

The forehead lift operation's primary purpose is to provide the person with a younger and lively look. If the person has sagged in the forehead area, the forehead skin is stretched, and the eyebrows are lifted upwards.  In some cases,this procedure is so effective  even in removing droopy eyelids that the necessity for extra eyelid surgery can be avoided. Yet, most of the time,  better results can be accomplished by combining forehead lift operations with eyelid surgery.  A forehead lift,  which can be performed for everyone regardless  of women or men over 40, is suitable for all kinds of face and forehead shapes.

Aesthetic forehead lift operations are performed in two different methods.  The first is classical forehead lift surgery and the other is endoscopic forehead lift surgery.

In traditional forehead lift surgery, the forehead skin is lifted and pulled up with a thin incision made in both temples' scalp. The muscles that create wrinkles on the forehead and cause the eyebrows to fall are also stretched upwards. The forehead skin is freed from the orbit's upper bone arch, and the excess skin is removed and discarded. Many patients fear that there will be a scar on their forehead. Still, the thin incision will be hidden under the scalp so that the patient can enjoy the new look of his forehead comfortably.

Another method, endoscopic forehead lift surgery is when technological methods and classical methods are applied together. In this method, 4-5 vertical incisions of 2 cm in length are applied to the scalp. With the Endoscope micro cameras that givethe procedure's name, the forehead area is relaxed and made tenser. In this method, which is performed with endoscope devices and special surgical tools, the bone structure under the forehead and eyebrow tissue is also detected. Endoscopic forehead lift surgery is suitable for patients whose hairline is low and forehead distance is narrower than 5 cm. The endoscopic forehead lift technique is a much more convenient option for patients in the early stages of forehead aging.

In patients where the eyebrows are genetically located at the forehead's upper bone arch level, eyebrow drop due to forehead sagging becomes evident. In these patients, remarkable results can be obtained with an early endoscopic forehead lift. But in patients who have not undergone any surgical intervention, towards the end of their 40s, the lines on the forehead begin to deepen, and the forehead skin becomes abundant and sagging. In this case endoscopic forehead lift adequate results may not be obtained with endoscopic forehead lift because some skin removal is required from the forehead. Then the forehead stretched with the classical forehead stretching method. 

Forehead lift surgery is completed within a maximum of 3 hours. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Swelling and bruising  can be seen in the forehead area for 3 to 4 days after forehead lift surgery. The patient may experience mild pain that can be avoided with painkillers. When the recovery period of less than a week is finished, the patient begins to express her feelings with a much more vigorous gaze, with her renewed and rejuvenated appearance.If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı