Are There Non-Surgical Options in the Treatment of Septum Deviation?

Post Date: 5/19/2023


Terms such as rhinoplasty, nose job, and nasal surgery are commonly used when referring to various issues related to the health and appearance of the nose. A deviated septum is one of these problems. who suffer from a deviated septum and are looking for a solution often wonder what surgical procedures are available and if a non-surgical solution is possible.

Treatment options for deviation include non-surgical and surgical methods. Before we delve deeper into the topic, answering the questions of what a deviated septum is and what its symptoms are will help you better understand the answer.

What Does Septum Deviation Mean?

Septum deviation is a condition in which the cartilage-bone partition, or septum, in the nose is curved or slipped. If you are wondering what a nasal septum is, you can think of it as a cartilage and bone structure that divides the inside of the nose into two separate spaces. These nasal passages should normally be symmetrical.

The nose is known to be an important organ for breathing, the sense of smell, and facial aesthetics. However, some people may experience breathing problems, sleep apnea, recurrent sinusitis and other complications due to a structural problem in the nose.

Understanding Septum Deviation

There are several possible causes of deviated septum. In some people, the septum may be congenitally curved or may curve due to factors such as trauma or a nasal fracture. The most common causes of a problematic nasal septum include:

► Congenital Factors:

Some individuals are born with a deviated nasal septum. In some people, it develops during childhood. One example is that the nasal septum does not reach its ideal shape during the developmental process.

► Physical Trauma:

Facial trauma can cause displacement and curvature of the septum. Traffic accidents, sports injuries, household accidents, and other serious injuries may be the cause.

► Aging:

As we age, both the appearance of the nose and the structure of the nasal area can change. That is, as we aging, the nasal septum may curve or shift.

► Intranasal Tumors:

Although rare, tumors that have formed in the nose may cause deviation of the nasal septum. If you notice anything unusual, you should see a specialist immediately.

The indicators of deviation are:

  • Nasal congestion,
  • Difficulty breathing,
  • Sleep apnea,
  • Poor quality of sleep,
  • Frequency of sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses),
  • Unexplained and recurrent nosebleeds,
  • Headaches,
  • Snoring,
  • Problems with smelling.

The diagnosis of septum deviation is usually made by an ENT specialist. He or she may perform a physical examination to make the diagnosis. A manual examination and medical tests can be done with a special instrument that can be used to see the inside of the nose. Imaging tests and studies are another method. Endoscopy, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the highlights of these devices. Follow-up examinations are helpful to assess the curvature of the nasal septum and to determine if complications are due to deviation or other presence.

Septum Deviation Treatment Options

Although there are several options for treatment of deviated septum, after consultation and examination, it will be clear who is eligible for which method. The treatment plan will be determined primarily based on the severity of symptoms, the quality of life of the individual and, of course, the extent of the deviation.

Non-surgical options, which are the subject of this blog, are also among the treatment options. As answered in the first section, there are both surgical and non-surgical methods. However, non-surgical options can be used to relieve symptoms and improve nasal breathing. Surgical intervention may be required for definite results. It should also be added that there are non-surgical options for aesthetical nasal correction.

Non-Surgical Septum Deviation Treatment

As noted above, non-surgical treatments are often used to relieve symptoms or provide a temporary solution. When septal deviation is a persistent problem and symptoms are severe, surgery is often the most effective solution. Understandably, non-surgical methods are limited, as this condition often requires surgical intervention. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist and evaluate the appropriate options.

Non surgical treatments include intranasal sprays, antihistamines, and decongestants. These can help relieve stuffy noses and breathing problems. Applying warm compresses to reduce swelling can also provide relief.

Solutions that patients may come across during their research:

  • Medications: The doctor may recommend medications to reduce nasal congestion or treat infections such as sinusitis.
  • Nasal Sprays: Steroid or saline-based nasal sprays may be used to open the nasal passages and make breathing easier.
  • Nose Openers: Nose openers inserted into the nose increase airflow by widening the nasal passages. This helps to unblock a stuffy nose and make breathing easier.
  • Nasal Irrigation: Nasal irrigation is a procedure using saline solution to clean the inside of the nose and reduce congestion. This procedure moistens the nasal passages and clears mucus.

Apart from the fact that these methods do not provide a permanent treatment, some applications also have a negative effect on nasal health. Therefore, it is important that you do not use them without specialist advice. Surgical treatments should also be mentioned to enlighten those who suffer from this problem.

Surgery for Deviated Septum

Deviation treatment options are determined according to the type and severity of the condition and the patient's health status. This becomes clear with the completion of a series of processes ranging from consultation to examination and evaluation. Preferred types of treatment include:


Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to straighten the nasal septum. During the procedure, the nasal passages are reopened and the curved cartilage and bone are corrected. Septoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia and the operation is done by reaching the inner tissue through the nostrils.

The duration of the procedure and the healing process may also vary, depending on the patient's condition and the degree of correction of the septum. In some complicated cases or when additional surgical interventions are required, the time may be longer. In the first few days, there may be swelling, bruising and mild pain in the nose area. This side effects subsides over time and eventually passes. Since septoplasty corrects nasal deformity, it is also considered one of the aesthetic nasal methods.


Rhinoplasty basically refers to surgeries to correct the nose. However, it also includes surgeries to improve both the appearance and functionality of the nasal area. This procedure corrects both the shape of the nose and the problem with the nasal septum.

  • To protect the health of the nose, you may consider the following recommendations.
  • Give up your lifestyle habits that have a negative impact on your physical health.
  • Avoid inhaling cigarette smoke, chemicals, allergens and odors that can irritate the nose.
  • Be sure to keep nasal passages moist and emphasize nasal hygiene.
  • If you have problems such as nasal congestion, do not forget to see a specialist.

Although there are both non-surgical and surgical methods among treatment options, non-surgical treatments are not meant for more than relieving symptoms and improving nasal breathing, and may not provide a cure depending on the severity of the abnormality. Unfortunately, the answer to the question of whether non-surgical treatments can completely correct an advanced deviated septum is "no." For information about rhinoplasty and septum deviation, you can contact the team of Prof. Dr. Selçuk Inanli.