Curiosities About The Aquiline Nose Surgery

Post Date: 3/24/2023


With aquiline nose plastic surgery, it is possible to improve the appearance of the nose, which is characterized by a pronounced bridge and a slight curvature at the tip, called the "Roman Nose". Although many people find the aquiline nose type attractive, some people are ashamed of it and resort to nasal aquiline surgery to change their appearance.

Why Does Nose Aquiline Occur?

It is important to understand that the shape of our noses is largely determined by genetics. Just like our eye color, hair color, and other physical features, the shape of our noses is inherited from our parents.

But genetics is not the only factor that determines the shape of our noses. Our environment and lifestyle can also play a role in how our nose develops. For example, if you engage in activities that involve a lot of physical contact, such as boxing or rugby, you are more likely to develop an Aquiline nose because of repeated trauma to the nose.

What is Aquiline Nose Surgery?

Despite its striking appearance, an aquiline nose is not considered a medical condition, and most people with this nose shape are perfectly healthy. Most people with this nose shape are perfectly healthy. However, some people may feel insecure about their nose and seek out cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty (nose job) to alter their appearance. It is important to remember that everyone's nose is unique and there is no "perfect" nose shape. What matters most is feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin.

For some people, an aquiline or Roman nose can be a source of insecurity, and they may opt for a cosmetic procedure known as nose aquiline surgery to change their appearance. It is a cosmetic procedure that can correct a number of problems, including a hump on the bridge of the nose, a wide or bulbous tip, or a crooked or asymmetrical nose. Aquiline rhinoplasty, which many people experience, is performed in several steps.

How is Aquiline Surgery of The Nose Performed?

Before the procedure, the patient will meet with a plastic surgeon to discuss their goals and expectations for the surgery. The surgeon will also examine the patient's nose and discuss the various techniques that can be used to achieve the desired result. This may include a discussion of the different surgical approaches, such as open or closed rhinoplasty, as well as the use of grafts or implants to reshape the nose.

On the day of surgery, the patient will receive anesthesia to ensure they are comfortable throughout the procedure. Depending on the surgical approach chosen, the surgeon will then make incisions in the nose, either inside or outside the nostrils. The cartilage and bone of the nose are then carefully reshaped to achieve the desired result.

Once the reshaping is complete, the surgeon closes the incisions with sutures and applies a splint to help the nose maintain its new shape during the healing process. The patient is then monitored in a recovery room until fully awake from the anesthesia.

What is the Recovery Process for Aquiline Nose Surgery?

If you are considering nose aquiline surgery, it is important to be aware of the recovery process for this cosmetic procedure. Recovering from any surgery takes time and patience, and aquiline rhinoplasty is no exception.

Immediately after the operation, the surgeon will place a splint on your nose to help it maintain its new shape during the healing process. You may also have some packing inside your nostrils to control bleeding. You will need to leave the splint and packing in place for several days after surgery, so it is important to plan ahead and take time off from work or school.

In the first few days after surgery, it is normal to feel uncomfortable and have swelling and bruising around your nose and eyes. You can relieve these symptoms with pain medications, cold compresses, and elevating your head while lying down. You should also avoid blowing your nose or sneezing, as this can cause bleeding.

After about a week, the splint and packing will be removed, and you will be able to see the initial results of the surgery. However, your nose will still be swollen, and it may take several weeks or even months for the swelling to fully subside. During this time, it is important to continue taking any prescribed medications and to avoid any strenuous activities that may interfere with the healing process.

What are the Benefits of Aquiline Nose Surgery?

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose and are considering Aquiline nose surgery, you may be wondering about the potential advantages. One of the most obvious benefits of nasal aquiline surgery is the improvement in the appearance of your nose. Nose aquiline surgery can help to refine the shape of your nose, creating a more balanced and symmetrical appearance that complements your other facial features.

In some cases, nose aquiline surgery can also help improve your breathing. If you have a deviated septum or other structural problem with your nose, this can make it difficult to breathe through your nose. Nose aquiline surgery can help to correct these issues, making it easier for you to breathe through your nose and improving your overall quality of life.

Nose aquiline surgery can also be used to correct trauma or injury to the nose. For example, if you have broken your nose in the past and it has healed in a way that you find unsightly, nasal aquiline surgery can help to correct the problem and restore the appearance of your nose.

Another benefit of rhinoplasty surgery is that the results are usually permanent. Even though your nose will continue to age naturally over time, the basic shape and structure of your nose will remain intact. This means that you can continue to enjoy the advantages of your new nose for a lifetime.

To enjoy the various benefits of Aquiline rhinoplasty, such as an improved appearance and more confidence, consider rhinoplasty treatment. Contact the medical team of Professor Doctor Selçuk Inanli to schedule your consultation and join the many satisfied patients who have transformed their appearance.