Effective Solution for Droopy Eyelids

Post Date: 7/16/2021

Effective Solution for Droopy Eyelids

Our eyes not only enable us to see, but they also define our expression and add depth to our eyes. With the effect of aging and gravity, we can observe changes in our eyelids over the years. In this process, undesirable conditions such as sagging, bags, wrinkles, loosening, and darkening may occur in the eyelids. Especially wrinkles and sagging give the person an old and tired appearance. Aesthetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is the name given to the plastic surgery procedure that eliminates these problems in the lower and upper eyelids.

Sagging of the eyelids is an indication of aged skin. Apart from external factors such as air pollution, sun rays; personal factors such as not doing regular skincare, not consuming enough water, smoking and drinking alcohol, and sleeping irregularly can be counted as factors that accelerate the aging process of the skin.

Human skin is normally elastic, but this elasticity gradually decreases with the effect of aging. As a result, the skin on the eyelids becomes loose and sagging. This can become serious enough to not only give a dull and old expression to the person but also limit the person's ability to see. This requires performing the aesthetics eyelid surgery not always for aesthetic concerns but sometimes for functional reasons. Blepharoplasty may be applied to the lower or upper eyelids or both, depending on the needs of the patient. Patients who want to achieve a complete change in their expressions generally prefer blepharoplasty combined with an eyebrow lift and facelift procedures.

At What Age You Can Get Blepharoplasty?

There is no age limit for aesthetic eyelid surgery. Although the procedure is more preferred by patients over the age of 45, younger patients with genetically low eyelids also turn to eyelid aesthetics. Since blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure, it is the most effective and permanent solution for eyelid problems. The results of the operation last for an average of 5-10 years; however, it should not be forgotten that no surgical or medical procedure can stop aging.

Are You a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty?

If you want to have eyelid surgery but do not know whether you are a suitable candidate for surgery, you should ask yourself a few questions.

  • Do I have a chronic disease?

People with chronic diseases carry the risk of experiencing more complications during and after surgery. Therefore, patients with chronic conditions should discuss this with their doctor.

Am I unhappy with the appearance of my eyelids? Do I want younger-looking eyelids?
You are probably an ideal candidate for aesthetic eyelid surgery if your answer is yes to these.

  • Are my expectations from the surgery realistic?

The surgery will provide you with a younger and fresh eyelid, hence a more vivid appearance. However, you should not forget that no surgery can stop aging miraculously, and you should go into the procedure with realistic expectations.