Does Not Breathing Correctly Cause Headache?

Post Date: 11/9/2023


Failure to breathe properly leads to the inability to get the oxygen required in people's bodies and therefore the circulation cannot be carried out in a healthy way.

Not being able to breathe properly can cause headaches, as well as a serious condition that can cause many different problems for you in the long term. You need to get the necessary air, i.e. oxygen, during your breathing. The head area is where your sensory nerves are dense. Therefore, you can see the reflection of all your problems related to nerves, vessels, teeth, ear, and jaw joints by experiencing pain in your head.

It is important to know how and what kind of headaches are caused by problems in your nose and sinuses in order to improve your quality of life. You can get detailed information about the subject by coming to the clinic of Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı, one of the best Rhinoplasty specialists in Turkey.

Headache as a Result of Discomfort in the Sinuses

The sinuses are air-filled cavities in the facial bones and are connected to the nasal cavity. If the sinuses become inflamed or infected, symptoms such as headaches can occur. If you have a condition in this department, it can manifest itself in the following ways:

  • Runny nose (Rhinorrhea),
  • Pain on both sides of your head,
  • Nasal congestion,
  • Fever,
  • Fatigue.

Because the sinuses are located on both sides of your nose, the headache you experience is usually felt on both sides of the head. Inflammation or blockage can affect both sinuses. In addition, infection of the ethmoid sinuses, which are located behind the sinuses, can cause headaches in the upper part of your head. The pains seen here are varied. However, you should know that not every headache may be related to your sinuses.

Relationship between Deviated Septum and Headache

Deviated septum is a condition in which the nasal septum, the bone and cartilage barrier in your nasal cavity, is deviated or curved to one side compared to its normal state. This problem divides your nasal cavity unevenly into two and can narrow the airways. This condition, which is usually congenital, can also develop as a result of accident or trauma.

A deviated septum also obstructs airflow in the nose. This causes nasal congestion and such congestion can lead to headaches. Due to chronic nasal congestion, you often start breathing through your mouth. When you do not get enough oxygen, your blood pressure can increase. High blood pressure is also among the causes of headaches.

In addition, nasal curvature can also trigger migraine attacks or worsen an existing migraine headache. Your symptoms and the resulting condition should be well understood. Treatment options may vary depending on the severity of the deviated septum and symptoms. Medications prescribed by your specialist, nasal sprays, or, if necessary, a surgical intervention can help alleviate or eliminate your symptoms.

How Is Septum Deviation Surgery Performed?

You may be suffering from long-term headaches due to septum deviation, ie nasal curvature. As a result of a comprehensive examination with a specialist in this field, the solution may require a surgical operation. General anesthesia is usually preferred for your safety and comfort during surgery. However, the local sedation can also be used in some cases. In this way, the specialist's job becomes easier.

During the operation, an incision is made from the inside or the tip of your nose. Incisions made from the inside are not visible from the outside, so it may be a more aesthetic option. Your specialist reshapes your bone and cartilage tissues to correct the curvature of the septum. The curved or crooked parts are corrected, excess tissues are removed and the nasal septum is brought into a proper position.

Then, the necessary steps are taken to control bleeding and suture. This stage is very important for the successful completion of your surgery. If dissolvable stitches are used, they do not need to be removed later. As a result, your nose curvature, which can cause headaches, will be treated and you will have a more beautiful appearance.

What Are Correct Breathing Techniques?

Not breathing correctly is a situation that you can overcome with different solutions. You may not have a headache caused by your sinuses or septum. However, it is still important to know how to breathe with the correct technique. The first condition of healthy breathing is to breathe through your nose.

The importance of the nose in breathing is that it warms and humidifies the air and can hold micron-scale dust. This ensures that your lungs always receive oxygen of a certain quality. When you breathe in and out through your mouth, these functions are deactivated and the same quality of air does not reach your lungs. As a result, you can get chronic pharyngitis and various lower respiratory diseases.

So how can you breathe correctly? The action called diaphragmatic breathing is actually using your abdominal area to draw in a deep breath of air. You should take a deep breath calmly through your nose, inflate your abdomen, and move your rib cage minimally. You then slowly exhale your breath out. This technique helps you to take in more oxygen and relax.

Conscious breathing also means following your breath in a mindful way. In breathing, you should only pay attention to your breath. This is widely used in meditation and relaxation practices. In summary, proper breathing removes ligament pain and many other problems from your life. To learn the rhinoplasty costs in Turkey, deviated septum surgery prices, and to get detailed information about the procedures, please contact Prof. Dr Selçuk İnanlı for an appointment.