Eyelid Aesthetics

Post Date: 2/16/2021

Eyelid Aesthetics

Eyelids are important parts of the face that affect the shape of your eyes and the beauty of your gaze. Wrinkled and low eyelids or eye bags can make you look old and tired. However, it is possible to have a younger eyelid appearance with a small surgical procedure.

Who Can It Be Applied To?

Eyelid aesthetics is a surgical procedure that can be applied to the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid, or both, making their appearance more aesthetic. There is no age limit for the operation. Although being mostly preferred by middle-aged patients with age-related sagging problem on the eyelid area, it can be applied to younger patients, especially for low eyelids.

Preoperative Process

Our doctor makes a detailed preliminary examination with his patients before the surgery and informs them about the operation process. For aesthetic eyelid surgery, it is very important to examine the rest of the face including the forehead, eyebrows, cheeks and temples in order to draw the most appropriate method for the patient. The doctor will dispel any unnecessary fears the patient may have, by discussing all of the necessary details and things to pay attention.

Will There Be Any Surgery Scars Afterwards?

One of the first questions that come to mind of any eyelid surgery candidate is whether there will be any surgery scars afterward. The possibility of obvious scars may be a concern of the patients, especially for the face area. There will be some scars after the operation, just in like any other surgery but, since the application area is very small and sensitive, these mentioned scars are extremely small and almost invisible. The eyelid skin is relatively thinner, and the blood circulation in this area is very fast, making it heal so quickly. These scars tend to disappear within the first six months or so in most patients’ cases. In very rare cases the recovery process may not go properly. But this can be determined by earlier examinations and the surgery is abandoned if there is an alternative method.

Surgery and Post-Surgical Process

The procedure applied to the upper eyelid is the removal of the excess fat, muscle and skin determined before the surgery. I prefer general anesthesia for my patients to have a more comfortable operation. Patients are discharged after one day after the surgery and go back to their daily lives after about a week rest. Patients may experience temporary problems such as blurred vision, tearing, or difficulty closing their eyes for the first few days. These will go away as the swelling goes down. A very thin scar will occur in the crease area of the eye during the first few months after the surgery, but it won’t be noticeable. There will also be a thin line on the lower eyelid, near the base of eyelashes.

If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı