Functional Rhinoplasty Treatment and Recovery Process

Post Date: 1/20/2023


What are the Different Surgical Approaches to Rhinoplasty?

There are many approaches to rhinoplasty performed under general anesthesia for aesthetic and functional purposes. 

  • Open Rhinoplasty Surgery: An open rhinoplasty procedure is a surgical procedure to reshape the nose. Your surgeon will make incisions to completely separate the skin of your nose from the bone and cartilage, allowing a clear view of the anatomy of your nose.
  • Closed Rhinoplasty: In closed rhinoplasty, a procedure to minimally reshape the nose, your surgeon makes incisions on the inside of your nose to separate the skin from the bone and cartilage to reshape your nose.
  • Functional Rhinoplasty: A procedure that restores the form and function of the nose after disease, cancer treatments, or traumatic injuries. This surgery can also be performed to correct congenital defects and deviated septum.
  • Non-surgical Rhinoplasty (Filler Rhinoplasty): A type of cosmetic rhinoplasty that temporarily fills the hollows and irregularities in your nose using dermal fillers.,
  • Secondary Rhinoplasty: Focuses on improving minimal problems that occur after the initial rhinoplasty surgery. 

What is Functional Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Functional rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure aiming to improve the nose's function, typically by correcting structural abnormalities causing difficulty breathing. This type of surgery may involve the removal of nasal obstructions, such as a deviated septum, or the reconstruction of nasal structures to improve airflow. In contrast to cosmetic rhinoplasty, which focuses on improving the appearance of the nose, functional rhinoplasty is primarily concerned with restoring or improving nasal function.

In Which Situations Is Functional Rhinoplasty Performed?

Functional rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia by an ENT specialist or surgeon specializing in the relevant field. Some problems make it necessary to perform the surgery, which is completed in 2-4 hours.

  • Deviated Septum: A condition in which the wall separating the nostrils is bent or minimally displaced and obstructs nasal airflow.
  • Nasal Valve Collapse: A condition in which the walls of the nostrils collapse, blocking airflow.
  • Nasal Polyps: Soft, non-cancerous growths that may develop in the nose and obstruct airflow.
  • Congenital Defects: These are congenital structural abnormalities in the nose that can cause difficulty in breathing.

The patient and their surgeon decide the need for functional rhinoplasty surgery on a case-by-case basis. A combination of functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty may also be considered if the individual wishes to achieve both functional and aesthetic changes. 

What is the Recovery Timeline for Functional Rhinoplasty?

The recovery timeline for functional rhinoplasty can vary depending on the specifics of the surgery and the patient's recovery process. In general, patients may observe some swelling and bruise around the nose and eyes for the first week or two following surgery. Most of this swelling subsides within the first 2-3 weeks, but it may take several months for all swelling to completely subside.

During this time, patients should avoid strenuous activity, bending over, and blowing their noses to minimize the risk of bleeding or other complications. Most patients can return to work or normal activities within 1-2 weeks after surgery, but it is important to follow your surgeon's specific postoperative instructions.

What are the Things to Consider After Functional Rhinoplasty?

After functional rhinoplasty surgery, several things must be considered to ensure a successful recovery and outcome.

  • Follow Your Surgeon's Post-Operative Instructions: Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for yourself after the surgery, including how to clean and dress the incision sites, how to manage pain and discomfort, and when to return for follow-up appointments.
  • Rest and Avoid Strenuous Activity: Following the surgery, it is important to rest and avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for at least the first week or two to allow your body to heal.
  • Keep Your Head Elevated: Keeping your head elevated with pillows can help reduce swelling and bruising around the eyes.
  • Be Patient With The Healing Process: It is important to remember that healing from functional rhinoplasty can take several months. The swelling and bruising can take time to subside and the final results may not be visible until several months after the surgery.
  • Avoid Blowing Your Nose: You should avoid blowing your nose for the first few weeks after the surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding or other complications.

Your surgeon will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure that you are healing properly. Regularly attending such follow-up appointments is highly effective for the course of your treatment.

It is important to remember that the healing process and recovery time may vary between patients, so it is important to follow your surgeon's instructions.If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı