Nasal Congestion After Septoplasty

Post Date: 3/4/2022


Nasal congestion is a serious problem that lowers one's living standards. Nasal congestion caused by nasal cartilage deformation can reduce the sleep quality of the individual, and also cause health problems such as sinusitis, nosebleeds, and headaches. 

For us to breathe healthily, the nasal septum should have a thin and flat shape. The septum can be curved sometimes congenitally or as a result of subsequent blows. If the septum deviation is advanced, it creates problems both in terms of aesthetics and function. The operation performed to correct the septum deviation and to improve the patient's quality of life is called septoplasty or septorhinoplasty.

Septoplasty is known as functional nose surgery. The main purpose of this surgery is to eliminate functional problems caused by septum deviation. Therefore, the priority in septoplasty surgery is not to give the nose an aesthetic appearance. In some cases, the septum deviation may not be severe enough to require septoplasty. However, if the deviation of the septum causes breathing difficulties, it must be treated.

The Procedure and Afterward

Septoplasty is a surgical operation. Since it is a complicated operation, it requires a good planning process. If it is operated by a specialist surgeon with appropriate methods to the patient, the probability of success is quite high. Surgery can be performed in several different ways. For example, open technique septoplasty is required for severe septum deviation. However, if there is turbinate hypertrophy (swelling of the soft tissues in the nose due to allergies), the procedure can be arranged as a part of the rhinoplasty operation. The important thing is to decide on the method to be applied based on the problem of each patient.

Most of the patients are afraid that their nasal congestion problems will not disappear after the surgery. In the few weeks following the surgery, it is expected to experience nasal congestion due to wounds, crusting, and discharge in the nose. This period may be shorter in some patients and longer in others. Nevertheless, it should be noted that either way is a temporary situation. As the healing process continues, the congestion decreases, and the patient begins to breathe healthily.

After the surgery, the doctor's instructions should be followed. After feeding with soft and liquid foods on the first day, you can return to your routine diet the next day. If the painkillers and antibiotics prescribed by the doctor are used regularly, surgery pain and the risk of infection are minimized.

Septoplasty surgery should be performed by a specialist and experienced surgeon. Do not forget that the choice of surgeon is of great importance for the results of the surgery to meet your expectations.

If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı