Say Goodbye to Wrinkles: Simple Ways to Smooth Your Skin

Post Date: 8/18/2023


The procedures applied to say goodbye to wrinkles that mostly occur due to aging are evaluated under the title of skin renewal.

In addition to wrinkles, skin problems such as sagging and spotting are frequently encountered. The cessation of collagen production is one of the signs of old age. In addition, environmental factors such as inadequate nutrition, not getting the necessary vitamins and minerals, and air pollution can also lead to the formation of unwanted imperfections on your skin.

There are many different applications to prevent these imperfections that make you feel bad, look aesthetically unpleasant, and even make you look older and tired than you are. In particular, more technological developments in this field have increased the success rate of existing procedures. You can determine which method you will prefer to reduce the appearance of wrinkles together as a result of the examination of a specialist in the field. Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı listens to your expectations and gives you the appearance you desire after a fast and comfortable process.


What Factors Accelerate Skin Aging?

Factors such as age spots, sun damages including harmful UV rays are the main causes of wrinkles and imperfections you see on your skin. The goal of skin rejuvenation treatments is to revitalize your skin and make it look healthy. Other important factors that cause these problems are listed below:

  • Irregular sleep routine
  • Intensive alcohol and cigarette use
  • Air pollution
  • Some medicines

These causes damage your skin over time and make it lose its elasticity. However, although aging cannot be resisted, almost none of them are unsolvable.


What are Skin Rejuvenation Methods?

All methods of skin rejuvenation are used to restore elasticity, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, improve skin tone and generally achieve a younger and fresher appearance. One of the most popular treatments, Botox injections, is a medical procedure administered by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. These injections are made with the use of a protein called "Botulinum toxin" to reduce wrinkles and lines on your face. This process prevents your muscles from contracting temporarily by blocking the communication of your nerve cells.

Another frequently preferred application is PRP treatment. This is a method of skin rejuvenation and renewal using rich plasma from your own blood. Basically, high concentrations of growth factors and other healing components contained in the blood are injected into your skin to regenerate your tissues. Similarly, mesotherapy is a treatment method in which vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients are injected into the lower layers of your skin or hair. It is generally considered a quick and painless procedure. However, you will need several sessions to see the full results of the treatment.

Another safe and popular option in the fight against wrinkles is dermal fillers. These are aimed at correcting the loss of volume in your skin and eliminating your imperfections. Fillers such as hyaluronic acid are mostly used in these applications. All these applications are usually procedures that provide fast and effective results. However, it is very important that they are performed by a specialist physician and that you follow the recommendations given to you in order to achieve successful results from the procedures.


The French Strap Method Against Wrinkles

French lift is another method used for skin rejuvenation against wrinkles. In this application, thin threads are placed under the skin to make your skin look firmer and younger. These threads pull your skin upwards and tighten it. First of all, you need to consult with a specialist who is familiar with this procedure. The specialist evaluates your current skin condition, listens to your expectations and decides whether the French sling method is suitable for you.

Then, it is determined which areas will be treated. These areas are usually sagging areas on your face. For example, cheekbones, jawline or eyebrows. Local anesthesia is usually applied for your comfort before the procedure. Thin threads are placed under your skin. These are attached with the help of special needles. Once they are placed in the right positions, the specialist guides the threads to pull your skin upwards and tighten it. There may be some mild swelling, redness or tenderness after the French lift procedure. However, these effects usually resolve within a short time. While the first results are noticeable immediately, you will need to wait a few more weeks to see the full effect of the procedure.


What are the Advantages of Non-Surgical Skin Rejuvenation Methods?

Skin rejuvenation methods that aim to reduce the signs of aging on your skin and the effects of environmental factors without any surgery have many advantages. First of all, the risk of complications due to surgical intervention is much less. Most of the applications have a fast recovery process. There is usually less pain, swelling and bruising in your body after the procedure and you can quickly return to your daily activities.

Since non-surgical methods are usually injections or procedures performed on the surface of the skin, there is less pain and discomfort compared to surgical interventions. Because these procedures mostly involve injections into the surface of your skin and a substrate, there is no risk of permanent scarring from surgical incisions. Also, while any surgical procedure can often be more costly, non-surgical options are more affordable.

Another important plus is that you can more easily customize the treatment you choose according to your needs and goals. Different fillers, injection sites and depths can be determined and a completely customized approach can be offered. Nevertheless, you should keep in mind that all these applications and their effects may vary from person to person. Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı, you can get rid of dry skin and learn the guidelines to have the right skin care. Please contact us via our contact information.