Rejuvenation with Botox: What Age to Start?

Post Date: 9/28/2023


People who want to have Botox and look younger wonder whether the right time has come for this and at what age they should start.

If you have just reached middle age and feel that you are not satisfied with the appearance of your face, the decision to have Botox may be on your agenda. Many people think it is useful to postpone this application as much as possible. In this process, the approach of these people who use skin care products instead of Botox is not correct.

Botox injections are not an application that only aging people have. When you have it done at an early age, you can prevent possible wrinkles and crow's feet in the future. Many experts say that the best time for this operation is when the lines on the face are first noticed. If you are wondering at what age Botox is performed, make an appointment with Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı without wasting time.

Who Can Have Botox?

Botox treatments can be performed by any adult who meets certain criteria and has realistic expectations. The common characteristics of people who can have Botox are as follows:

  • Being over 18 years of age.
  • Being in good general health.
  • Having realistic expectations.
  • Not having allergies.
  • Not being pregnant.

People with certain medical conditions that interact with Botox, and patients with regular medications may not be suitable for treatment. To determine suitability, you should have a comprehensive pre-examination and consult your specialist. It is mostly applied for aesthetic purposes to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, especially on your forehead, between your eyebrows, and around your eyes (crow's feet). You may also prefer it if you have complaints such as chronic migraines, excessive sweating, muscle spasms, and some eye disorders. In these cases, you must get the approval of your specialist.

Which Areas of the Face is Botox Applied?

Botox is used to soften horizontal lines (forehead lines) and vertical lines (lines between the eyebrows) in your forehead area and reduce forehead wrinkles. You can also choose it to lighten fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes. It is also effective in softening the appearance of your eye-corner wrinkles and under-eye bags. Again, by having this application, you can prevent your eyebrows from falling or lift them up. In this way, you will get a younger and more energetic appearance.

In addition, botox can be applied to remove fine lines on your upper lip (spider web aesthetics) and wrinkles around the lips. This helps your lips look fuller and smoother. With this unique application, you can also correct your chin contour and tighten your chin by reducing the overactivity of the muscles in your chin area. This makes your jawlines look more prominent and attractive. In some cases, it can also be used to reduce wrinkles and necklines in the neck area.

As mentioned above, Botox is also used for medical reasons only. For example, if you have excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), you can apply this miracle application to treat it or to relieve your migraine pain. The areas where Botox can be applied on your face vary depending on your personal needs and wishes. In any case, these injections must be performed by a professional healthcare professional. It is important to have a detailed examination and evaluation with your doctor before and after treatment.

What is the Best Age for Botox?

Botox (botulinum toxin) is an injectable drug used for cosmetic purposes or medical treatment. The optimal age for Botox varies depending on your needs and expectations. However, there are some general assumptions that explain the suitability of this medical application for different age groups.

It is generally not recommended to have Botox at a very early age to prevent or lighten your wrinkles. Since your skin is still young and elastic during this period, it may be beneficial to take the decision to have Botox at a slightly older age. However, of course, it is essential to eliminate mimic lines in some people and for this reason, they can have this procedure.

Botox can also be effective in your older age. During this period, your skin may sag more and your wrinkles become more prominent. With this application, it is possible to soften your mimic lines and make your skin look younger and fresher. On the other hand, determining the most appropriate age for this treatment depends on your general health condition, skin type, signs of aging, and personal preferences. As soon as you are considering Botox, you should contact and consult with an expert in the field and create a treatment plan that best suits your personal needs.

How Often Should Botox Be Done?

The question of how often should you get Botox may be as much on your mind as the question of at what age it should be done. As you know, since the effects of the injections are temporary, you will need to repeat the treatment over a certain period of time. There are some factors that stand out here. Which area you will have Botox can affect the frequency of treatment. For example, more dynamic areas of the face (for example, your forehead or around your eyes) may generally require more frequent treatments. On the other hand, keep in mind that the results may vary from person to person. In some people, the effects may last longer, while in others they may be shorter.

Your general health condition may also determine the frequency of Botox treatment. The health professional who will perform your injections determines your treatment plan by considering your health history and current condition. When you ask your specialist "how long does Botox last", you can get an answer of approximately 6 to 7 months. The frequency of your application is planned separately according to the effect and duration of the procedure on you. Do not forget that each case may have different results. Therefore, the most appropriate frequency for Botox treatment will also depend on your needs and preferences. You can get more detailed information about Botox prices in Turkey and the procedure itself by visiting Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı's clinic. Please contact us.