Rhinoplasty Recovery Period: Can I Clean My Nose?

Post Date: 4/28/2023


Rhinoplasty recovery period includes protecting the operation area from exposure to infection and external impacts in order to preserve the result obtained.

Like everyone who has had rhinoplasty, you want to have the appearance you desire and breathe comfortably and make these permanent. With the help of the widespread usage of the procedure and developing technologies, patients from different parts of the world can have this treatment safely and comfortably under general anesthesia.

However, there are some precautions you need to follow after rhinoplasty in order to have a nose that has regained its functionality and looks aesthetically pleasing. Nose cleaning is one of them.

After rhinoplasty, a scab forms over time due to healing in the operation area. After a surgical procedure, you should take a little more care of your nose, which is a sensitive organ normally. Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Selçuk Inanlı, you can learn to the smallest detail what needs to be done after nose job surgery, and you can easily complete your process.

What Does the Rhinoplasty Recovery Period Looks Like?

Before rhinoplasty, like many candidates, you may have questions such as how the recovery will be after the operation, and when the intranasal wounds will heal after the procedure.

First of all, you should know that you will not experience serious pain after rhinoplasty. Your specialist will prescribe you painkillers for mild discomfort that can be observed in the first weeks.

It is very important that you rest for a while at the end of the operation. It will not be healthy to move too much while you are still under the effect of anesthesia.

Cleaning the Dried Blood in the Nose After Rhinoplasty

While you are in your healing after rhinoplasty surgery, mucus and dried blood may accumulate around the edges of your nostrils. It is natural to encounter this situation. Here, immediately after the operation, you should act as your specialist warned and you should not touch the area with your fingers as you normally do. It is also ordinary to experience nasal congestion for a while, but you should not use any product that your doctor does not recommend to get rid of it.

You can use cotton or sterilized gauze to gently clean this scab. With the help of a saltwater solution, you can rinse the area without touching any other part of your face. Afterward, you should dry it softly and make sure that you do not apply any pressure to the treated area.

How Long After Rhinoplasty Can I Wash My Nose?

The splint placed in the operation area is removed by your specialist within an average of 2 weeks after rhinoplasty. From this date, you can start washing the outside of your nose with care. You should continue to do this very gently for about 2 months.

The removal time of the nasal packing may vary from case to case. Your specialist will tell you the most convenient time for you and will make you comfortable during this time.

After your nasal packing is removed, you can clean your nose 2-3 times a day during the healing period. Generally, it can be said that doing this process once is sufficient. If your specialist recommends, you can apply a cold compress to the area to reduce swelling after a certain period of time after the procedure is completed. You can try this by making a small ice pack.

Other Important Things to Consider After Nose Job

There are many different ways to get successful results after rhinoplasty and to ensure that they are permanent. As we emphasized in our article, you also have your duties here. However, you can easily apply them and get your new nose effortlessly. Here are some of the other factors we haven't mentioned before.

  • Many experts advise their patients to quit smoking after rhinoplasty. Because it is a fact that the use of tobacco products affects healing in a negative way when it comes to surgical procedures.
  • You should refrain from wearing glasses for a while following the surgery (between 4-6 weeks). Since the operation area can be very sensitive, you may be damaged by such items.
  • In the first weeks, you should protect your nose from external factors and traumas. It is beneficial to use sunscreen with SPF 50 to avoid skin discoloration after rhinoplasty.
  • You should take a break from sports and exercises for the time your specialist tells you, and avoid movements that will tire you out.
  • Another important factor that plays a critical role in the post-operative recovery period is that you do not disturb your sleep pattern and make it balanced. When going back to your daily life, be sure to take into account the warnings of your specialist.
  • In addition, after a nose job, consuming foods that relieve edema will be beneficial for the reduction of swelling in the operation area. You should lie on your back for about 2 weeks and pay attention to your pillow height.

The nasal bone is a living whole with its cartilage, mucosa, and skin, and all of them may have a different healing period. It is extremely important to clearly understand what needs to be done after rhinoplasty, to comply with them, and to make the necessary conditions.

The changes you notice in your new face after a nose job may seem small to you, but they may create serious perceptual differences in your face and expression. For this reason, you should explain your expectations to your specialist well in the consultation and evaluate the recommendations from him.

If you are considering a rhinoplasty, make an appointment with Prof. Dr. Selçuk Inanlı. Find out what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. You can reach us at our contact information.